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[英]How to redirect stderr to a file and some echos (not stdout) to the same file

I am learning bash scripting. 我正在学习bash脚本。 I am trying to write a simple script that runs apt-get update in regular intervals using crontab for scheduling. 我正在尝试编写一个简单的脚本,该脚本使用crontab进行定期运行apt-get update的调度。 I am trying to send the errors (with the time the error occurred )to a log file but I am only getting the error and not the time, 我正在尝试将错误(与错误发生的时间)发送到日志文件,但是我只是收到错误而不是时间,

The script file , 脚本文件

echo "----------   $(date +"%d %B %G") , $(date +%r) :";
apt-get update;

The crontab file (sudo crontab -e) crontab文件(sudo crontab -e)

0 */5 * * * /root/scripts/update_sys.sh 2>/root/logs/updateLog 1>/dev/null

as far as I understood the echo statement in the script file dumps the text to the standard output, thus it ends up in /dev/null , but how could I include it in the log file without the entire info ( I mean info that apt-get dumps like Hit http://in.archive.ubuntu.com precise-backports/main Sources ) ? 据我了解在脚本文件中的echo语句转储文本到标准输出,因此在最终/dev/null ,但我怎么能包括在无需将整个信息的日志文件(我的意思是信息apt-get转储,例如Hit http://in.archive.ubuntu.com precise-backports/main Sources )?

If you can modify the script but not the crontab then the simplest is to redirect the echoes in the script to stderr . 如果您可以修改脚本但不能修改crontab那么最简单的方法是将脚本中的回显重定向到stderr

echo "----------   $(date +"%d %B %G") , $(date +%r) :" >&2

All stdout will still go to /dev/null and all stderr will be logged along with the echoes to stderr . 所有stdout还是会去/dev/null所有stderr将与回波登录沿着stderr

If you can modify the crontab but not the script, then the simplest would be devnull 's suggestion. 如果您可以修改crontab而不是脚本,那么最简单的方法就是devnull的建议。

If you can modify either, then you have a choice. 如果您可以进行修改,则可以选择。

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