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[英]Drupal7 - Filter view based on current user's roles?

Using Drupal7, Views3 and the Node Reference module, I'm using a view to populate a node reference field on a custom content type. 使用Drupal7,Views3和“节点引用”模块,我正在使用视图在自定义内容类型上填充节点引用字段。 (So it's a view of "Reference" display type.) (因此,这是“参考”显示类型的视图。)

I want to filter this view to show (and allow users to select) only: 我想过滤此视图以仅显示(并允许用户选择):

  1. published content (OK) 发布的内容(确定)
  2. content of a certain type (OK) 某种类型的内容(确定)
  3. only nodes created by the current user (OK) 仅当前用户创建的节点(确定)
  4. OR if the current user is admin or some other role, bypass the previous filter (3) and show all nodes (but still respect filters 1 and 2) ( not OK) 或者,如果当前用户是管理员或其他角色,则绕过先前的过滤器(3)并显示所有节点(但仍要遵守过滤器1和2)( 不正确

Filters 1 and 2 are always mandatory; 过滤器1和2始终是必需的; then either filter 3 OR 4 must also be mandatory. 那么过滤器3或4也必须是必需的。 I know I can rearrange filters into filter groups to make this work. 我知道我可以将过滤器重新排列到过滤器组中以使其工作。 The problem is that I cannot find a way to build filter 4. 问题是我找不到构建过滤器4的方法。

For filter 3, I had to bring in a Relationship of type "Content: Author", which made a lot of new filters appear, including the "User: Current" that I used for filter 3 (node author == current user). 对于过滤器3,我必须引入“内容:作者”类型的“关系”,这使很多新过滤器出现,包括我用于过滤器3的“用户:当前”(节点作者==当前用户)。

For filter 4, I need to filter based on the role of the current user ( not author), and I cannot find how to do that. 对于过滤器4,我需要根据当前用户而非作者)的角色进行过滤,而我找不到执行该操作的方法。

In the filters list there's a new "User: Roles" filter available, but it only refers to the "Content: Author" relationship, so it only checks the node author's roles. 在过滤器列表中,有一个新的“用户:角色”过滤器可用,但它仅引用“内容:作者”关系,因此它仅检查节点作者的角色。 That's not what I need. 那不是我所需要的。

I'm guessing I have to add a new Relationship to bring in the current user data (something like "User: current"), and then filter on that data, but I cannot find that in the Add Relationship screen. 我猜我必须添加一个新的Relationship来引入当前的用户数据(类似“ User:current”),然后对该数据进行过滤,但是在Add Relationship屏幕中找不到。

Any idea how to do that? 任何想法如何做到这一点?
Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

Update: 更新:
Note: when editing the node reference field (in my custom content type), I see there's a "views arguments" field that allows to pass arguments to the view. 注意:当编辑节点引用字段(在我的自定义内容类型中)时,我看到有一个“视图参数”字段,该字段允许将参数传递给视图。 It's not clear whether this field accepts tokens, but if so, maybe I could use that field to pass the current user ID to the View. 目前尚不清楚该字段是否接受令牌,但是如果是这样,也许我可以使用该字段将当前用户ID传递给View。 But then I don't know how to use that in Views... 但是我不知道如何在Views中使用它...

After posting the same question on drupal.stackexchange , I was suggested a solution using some PHP code in Views (contextual filter). drupal.stackexchange上发布了相同的问题后 ,建议我在Views(上下文过滤器)中使用一些PHP代码解决方案。 It's the best solution I've found yet, so unless someone can propose a better solution, I'll stick with this one. 这是我找到的最好的解决方案,因此,除非有人可以提出更好的解决方案,否则我会坚持下去。

Here is the solution: https://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/38205/alter-field-settings-using-hook/38922#38922 这是解决方案: https : //drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/38205/alter-field-settings-using-hook/38922#38922

And here is the gist of it: 这是要点:

In the View, add a contextual filter on Author: Uid , and use the following settings: 在视图中,在Author: Uid上添加上下文过滤器,并使用以下设置:


  • Provide default value 提供默认值
  • Type: PHP Code 类型:PHP代码

Use the following code: 使用以下代码:

global $user;

if (in_array('administrator', $user->roles))
{return -1;}
{return $user->uid;}


  • Specify validation criteria 指定验证条件
  • Validator: PHP Code 验证器:PHP代码

Use the following code: 使用以下代码:

if ($argument == -1) 
{return FALSE;}
{return TRUE;}
  • Action to take if filter value does not validate: Display all results for the specified field (this is what will give admins access to all results) 如果过滤器值无效,请采取的措施:显示指定字段的所有结果(这将使管理员可以访问所有结果)

And that's it! 就是这样!

Notes: 笔记:

Compared to my initial settings, the relationship (Content: Author) isn't needed anymore; 与我的初始设置相比,不再需要这种关系(内容:作者); neither is the "Author" filter (which was brought in by the relationship anyway). 也不是“作者”过滤器(无论如何是由关系引入的)。

For Drupal 6, the condition in the first PHP snippet should rather be if (in_array('super user', array_values($user->roles))) 对于Drupal 6,第一个PHP代码段中的条件应该是if (in_array('super user', array_values($user->roles)))

You can allow other roles as well, simply by editing the condition above. 您也可以通过编辑上述条件来允许其他角色。 For instance: 例如:

if (
    in_array('administrator', $user->roles) || 
    in_array('editor', $user->roles)

After adding the author relationship, there should be a new filter criteria User: Roles . 添加作者关系之后,应该有一个新的过滤条件User: Roles

Inside your views filter criteria, you will need to have 2 filter groups combined by OR ; 在您的视图过滤条件中,您需要将2个过滤器组OR组合在一起; First group contain Filters 1, 2 and 3. And the other group should contain filters 1, 2 and 4. 第一组包含过滤器1、2和3,而另一组应包含过滤器1、2和4。

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