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从Python脚本执行时如何检查bash shell脚本的状态?

[英]How to check the status of bash shell script while executing from Python script?

I have a simple Python script which will execute a shell script using subprocess module in Python. 我有一个简单的Python脚本,它将使用Python中的subprocess模块执行Shell脚本。

Below is my Python shell script which is calling testing.sh shell script and it works fine. 下面是我的Python shell脚本,它正在调用testing.sh shell脚本,并且工作正常。

import os
import json
import subprocess

jsonData = '{"pp": [0,3,5,7,9]}'
jj = json.loads(jsonData)

os.putenv( 'jj3', ' '.join( str(v) for v in jj['pp']  ) )

print "start"
proc = subprocess.Popen('testing.sh', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
(stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate()
if stderr:
   print "Shell script gave some error"
   print stderr
   print stdout
   print "end" # Shell script ran fine.

And below is my testing.sh shell script - 下面是我的testing.sh shell脚本-




if [ "$dir1" = "$dir2" ] && [ "$length1" -gt 0 ] && [ "$length2" -gt 0 ]
    for el in $jj3
        scp david@machineB:/data/be_t1_snapshot/20131215/t1_"$el"_5.data /data01/primary/. || scp david@machineC:/data/be_t1_snapshot/20131215/t1_"$el"_5.data /data01/primary/.

What my above shell script does is, it will copy the files from machineB OR machineC to machineA . 我上面的shell脚本所做的是,它将文件从machineBmachineC复制到machineA If the files are not there in machineB then it should be there in machineC always. 如果文件不在machineB则应该始终在machineC So it will try to copy the files from machineB to machineA but if the files are not there in machineB then it will try to copy the files from machineC to machineA . 因此它将尝试将文件从machineB复制到machineA但是如果文件不在machineB则它将尝试将文件从machineC复制到machineA

Now my above Python script (which I am running from machineA ) tries to execute my above shell script and see whether my script got executed successfully or not. 现在,我上面的Python脚本(我正在从machineA运行)试图执行我上面的shell脚本,并查看我的脚本是否成功执行。 As I am storing the stderr of my shell script and stdout as well. 当我存储shell脚本和stdoutstderr时。

Problem Statement:- 问题陈述:-

With the above approach there is one problem that I am seeing. 通过上述方法,我看到了一个问题。 As I mentioned if the files are not there in machineB , then it will try to copy the files from machineC to machineA . 如前所述,如果machineB中没有文件,则它将尝试将文件从machineC复制到machineA So whenever I run my Python script which calls my shell script, what happens is that, some files are not there in machineB so it throws some exception and then it tries copying the files from machineC but when the call comes back to Python script, it always go inside if stderr: block as there was an error while copying the files from machineB (which is not what I want) and end print statement doesn't gets printed out. 因此,每当我运行调用我的Shell脚本的Python脚本时,发生的是, machineB中不存在某些文件,因此它引发了一些异常,然后尝试从machineC复制文件,但是当调用返回到Python脚本时,它将if stderr:块总是进入内部if stderr:因为从machineB复制文件时出现了错误(这不是我想要的),并且end print语句没有被打印出来。

So the question is if the files are not there in machineB , it will try copying the files from machineC and if the file is there is machineC and got successfully copied to machineA without any error, then I want to call that as a success instead of failure . 所以问题是,如果machineB中没有文件,它将尝试从machineC复制文件,如果文件存在machineC并成功复制到machineA而没有任何错误,那么我想将其称为success而不是failure In current scenario what is happening, if the files are not there in machineB and got successfully copied from machineC then it still counts as a failure and end print statement doesn't gets printed out. 在当前情况下发生了什么,如果文件是不是有machineB并得到了来自成功复制machineC那么它仍然算作是失败, end打印语句不被打印出来。

I also want to see whether my shell script has any problem while executing from Python. 我还想查看从Python执行时我的shell脚本是否有问题。 If yes, then I don't want to print end statement. 如果是,那么我不想打印end声明。

How should I overcome this problem? 我应该如何克服这个问题?

UPDATED:- 更新:-

What will happen with the below shell script? 下面的shell脚本会发生什么? As the first for loop will failed because david is not a linux command, but my scp command works fine. 因为第一个for循环将失败,因为david不是linux命令,但是我的scp命令可以正常工作。 So still I will see status code as not equal to 0 ? 所以我仍然会看到状态码不等于0吗?

for i in $( david ); do
    echo item: $i



if [ "$dir1" = "$dir2" ] && [ "$length1" -gt 0 ] && [ "$length2" -gt 0 ]
    for el in $jj3
        scp david@machineB:/data/be_t1_snapshot/20131215/t1_"$el"_5.data /data01/primary/. || scp david@machineC:/data/be_t1_snapshot/20131215/t1_"$el"_5.data /data01/primary/.

A process which worked correctly can still write to stderr , so it is wrong to check for problems using if stderr: 正常工作的进程仍然可以写入stderr ,因此使用if stderr:来检查问题if stderr:

Instead you should check the processes exit code. 相反,您应该检查进程退出代码。 If it is not equal to zero, there was an error, eg: 如果不等于零,则出现错误,例如:

if proc.returncode != 0:
    print "Shell script gave some error"

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