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如何在 Django 中重定向到不同的 URL?

[英]How can I redirect to a different URL in Django?

I have two pages, one which is to display details for a specific item and another to search for items.我有两页,一页是显示特定项目的详细信息,另一页是搜索项目。 Let's say that the urls.py is properly configured for both of them and within views.py for my app, I have:假设 urls.py 已为它们和我的应用程序的 views.py 正确配置,我有:

def item(request, id):
    return render(request, 'item.html', data)

def search(request):
    #use GET to get query parameters
    if len(query)==1:
        #here, I want to redirect my request to item, passing in the id
    return render(request, 'search.html', data)

What do I do to properly redirect the request?我该怎么做才能正确重定向请求? I've tried return item(request, id) and that renders the correct page, but it doesn't change the URL in the address bar.我试过return item(request, id)并呈现正确的页面,但它不会更改地址栏中的 URL。 How can I make it actually redirect instead of just rendering my other page?我怎样才能让它真正重定向而不是仅仅呈现我的其他页面? The URL pattern for the item page is /item/{id} .项目页面的 URL 模式是/item/{id} I've looked at the answer to similar questions on SO and the documentation, but still couldn't figure it out.我已经查看了关于 SO 和文档的类似问题的答案,但仍然无法弄清楚。

Edit: I just started learning Python less than a week ago and the other answer isn't clear enough to help me out.编辑:我不到一周前才开始学习 Python,另一个答案不够清楚,无法帮助我。

Edit 2: Nvm, not sure what I did wrong before, but it worked when I tried it again.编辑 2:Nvm,不确定我之前做错了什么,但是当我再次尝试时它起作用了。

You can use HttpResponseRedirect :您可以使用HttpResponseRedirect

from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect

# ...

return HttpResponseRedirect('/url/url1/')

Where "url" and "url1" equals the path to the redirect.其中“url”和“url1”等于重定向的路径。

Just minute suggestion from the above answer for the change in import statement从上面的答案中对导入语句的更改提出了一点建议

from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
return HttpResponseRedirect('/url-name-here/')

you can try this :你可以试试这个:

from django.shortcuts import redirect
return redirect(f'/customer/{pk}')

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