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[英]ZF2 : Call a service from an external class?

In my Zend Framework 2 project, I have an external lib and I want to save my information in the base with the model. 在我的Zend Framework 2项目中,我有一个外部库,我想将信息与模型一起保存在基础中。

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I explain again my need: In my controllers, I make insertions and deletions in the database and I want to log all actions in a "t_log" table . 我再次解释我的需要:在控制器中,我在数据库中进行了插入和删除操作,并且希望将所有操作记录在“ t_log”表中。 To do it, I have thought to create an external class. 为此,我考虑过要创建一个外部类。

My question is: How I can call my models method from my external class ? 我的问题是:如何从外部类调用我的模型方法?

namespace Mynamespace;

use Firewall\Model\Logs;
use Firewall\Model\LogsTable;

class StockLog
    public function addLog()
       $log = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Firewall\Model\LogTable');
       $log->save('user added'); 

My model : 我的模特:

namespace Firewall\Model;

use Zend\Db\TableGateway\TableGateway;
use Zend\Db\Sql\Select;

class UserGroupTable

    protected $tableGateway;

    public function __construct(TableGateway $tableGateway)
        $this->tableGateway = $tableGateway;

    public function save()
        // How I Can call this method from the StockLog method ?

Thanks you ! 谢谢 !

getServiceLocator is a function of \\Zend\\Mvc\\Controller\\AbstractActionController so it is supposed to be used in your controllers. getServiceLocator\\Zend\\Mvc\\Controller\\AbstractActionController的函数,因此应该在您的控制器中使用。

I dont know what your StockLog class is, but it is not extending any other class, so i guess it has not that function and your error is one step before, in the call to getSErviceLocator that is not defined, so its not returning an object. 我不知道您的StockLog类是什么,但是它没有扩展任何其他类,所以我想它没有该功能,并且您的错误是在getSErviceLocator的调用之前的第一步,因此它不返回对象。

Probably you can inject the service locator with something like 可能您可以向服务定位器注入类似

class StockLog 

  private $serviceLocator= null;

  public function setServiceLocator(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
    $this->serviceLocator = $serviceLocator;

    public function add()
       # Do you know how I can call the service ??
       $User = $this->serviceLocator->get('Firewall\Model\UserTable');


and then, when you create your StockLog object, in your controller, you inject the servicelocator 然后在创建StockLog对象时,在控制器中注入servicelocator

public class yourController extends AbstractActionController {

   public function yourAction(){
      $mStockLog = new StockLog ();


Also, if you only need the 'Firewall\\Model\\UserTable' service, you should inject just that, instead of the serviceLocator. 另外,如果仅需要'Firewall\\Model\\UserTable'服务,则应仅注入该内容,而不要注入serviceLocator。

At any rate you should minimice the knowledge of your model classes about the rest of the system, hving always in mind the dependency inversion principle , to get a better decoupling 无论如何,您应尽量减少模型类对系统其余部分的了解,始终牢记依赖关系反转原理 ,以实现更好的去耦


inject the log table 注入日志表

namespace Mynamespace;

use Firewall\Model\Logs; use Firewall\Model\LogsTable;

class StockLog {

 private $logTable= null;

  public function setLogTable($logTable)
    $this->logTable= $logTable;

public function addLog()

   $this->logTable->save('user added'); 

} }

and then, when you create your StockLog (in your controller, or wherever you do it, before you use it) you inject the logtable object 然后,当您创建StockLog时(在您的控制器中,或者在执行此操作的任何位置,使用它之前),您都会注入logtable对象

  $mStockLog = new StockLog ();

Of course, Im suposing that you configured correctly your Firewall\\Model\\LogTable class to be retrieved by means of the service manager, in getServiceConfig() in your Module.php 当然,我假设您已正确配置了Firewall\\Model\\LogTable类,以便通过服务管理器在Module.php中的getServiceConfig()中进行Module.php

  public function getServiceConfig() {
       return array (
            'factories' => array (
                    'Firewall\Model\LogTable' => function ($sm) {
                         $logTable = //create it as you use to  
                  return $logTable;



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