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[英]Apply a function to each element of a matrix

I'm trying to apply a function to a Matrix but I don't know how to proceed. 我正在尝试将函数应用于Matrix但我不知道如何继续。

Here's how I define my Matrix : 以下是我定义矩阵的方法:

data Matrice a = Mat [[a]]

montre [] = "/"
montre (t:q) = "" ++ (Pp.printf "%5s" (show t)) ++ " " ++ (montre q)

instance (Show a) => Show (Matrice a) where
        show (Mat ([])) = ""
        show (Mat (t:q)) = "/" ++ (montre t) ++ "\n" ++ (show (Mat q))

Then, once my Matrix is defined I'd like to apply my function z95 to each of the elements of the matrix. 然后,一旦我的Matrix被定义,我想将我的函数z95应用于矩阵的每个元素。

Here's the signature of my z95 function (which allows to convert a integer into this integer modulo 95) 这是我的z95函数的签名(允许将整数转换为此整数模95)

z95 n = Z95(n %% 95)
z95 18 = 18%95

I tried to do a double map too access the elements of my Matrix but then I didn't figure out how to apply my z95 function. 我试图做一个双map也访问我的矩阵的元素,但后来我没有弄清楚如何应用我的z95功能。

Thanks fo the help! 谢谢你的帮助!

You could define a Functor instance for your type, which is the usual way to map a function over the elements of a container. 您可以为类型定义Functor实例,这是将函数映射到容器元素的常用方法。

instance Functor Matrice where
  fmap f (Mat xss) = Mat (map (map f) xss)

Now you can write 现在你可以写了

>> let m = Mat [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
>> fmap (+3) m -- => Mat [[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]

or in your case 或者在你的情况下

>> fmap z95 m

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