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C ++指针作为DWORD

[英]C++ Pointer as DWORD

In C++, can I simply cast a pointer to a DWORD? 在C ++中,我可以简单地将指针转换为DWORD吗?

MyClass * thing;
DWORD myPtr = (DWORD)thing;

Would that work? 那行得通吗?

In windows its quite common to pass pointers in such way, for example in windows messages. 在Windows中,以这种方式传递指针是很常见的,例如在Windows消息中。 LPARAM is a typedef for LONG_PTR and quite often is used to pass pointers to some structures. LPARAM是LONG_PTR的typedef,经常用于将指针传递给某些结构。 You should use reinterpret_cast<DWORD_PTR>(thing) for casting. 您应该使用reinterpret_cast<DWORD_PTR>(thing)进行投射。

You undoubtedly can do it. 您无疑可以做到。

Whether it would work will depend on the environment and what you want it to do. 它是否有效取决于环境和您想要做什么。

On 32-bit Windows 1 (the most common place to see DWORD ) it'll normally be fine. 在32位Windows 1 (最常见的DWORD )上,通常会没问题。 On a 64-bit Windows (where you also see DWORD , but not nearly as much) it generally won't. 在64位Windows(您还会在其中看到DWORD ,但DWORD )上,通常不会。

  1. Or, more accurately, when compiled as a 32-bit executable that will run as a 32-bit process, regardless of the actual copy of Windows you happen to run that on. 或者,更准确地说,当编译为将作为32位进程运行的32位可执行文件时,无论您实际运行Windows的实际副本如何,都可以使用它。

No, in a 64 bit process, a pointer is 64 bits but a DWORD is only 32 bits. 不,在64位处理中,指针是64位,而DWORD只有32位。 Use a DWORD_PTR. 使用DWORD_PTR。

http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/explicit_cast http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/explicit_cast

Read that, understand that, avoid C-style casts because they hide a lot. 读那本书,了解那一点,避免使用C样式转换,因为它们隐藏很多。

Doing so may be able to be done, but would make no sense, for example DWORD is 4 bytes and a pointer (these days) is 8. 这样做也许可以完成,但毫无意义,例如DWORD为4个字节,而指针(这些天)为8。


Should work, but it may be undefined or truncate, if anything will work that will! 应该可以,但是如果有任何可行的方法,它可能是未定义或截断的!

BTW, reinterpret_cast is the C++ way of saying "Trust me my dear compiler, I know what I'm doing" - it attempts to interpret the bits (0s and 1s) of one thing as another, regardless of how much sense that makes. 顺便说一句, reinterpret_cast是C ++的一种说法,“相信我亲爱的编译器,我知道我在做什么”-它试图将一件事的位(0和1)解释为另一件事,而不管其含义如何。

A legitimate use though is the famous 1/sqrt hack ;) 虽然合法使用是著名的1 / sqrt hack;)

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