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kendo ui网格中的JavaScript外部文件依赖性

[英]JavaScript External files dependency in kendo ui grid

I have Two file KendoUIGridFeatures.js & orgs.js which i include in .html page as show below 我有两个文件KendoUIGridFeatures.js和orgs.js,它们包含在.html页面中,如下所示

<script src="Scripts/KendoUIGridFeatures.js"></script>

<script src="Scripts/Orgs.js"></script>

I get the following error when loading html page 加载html页面时出现以下错误

    Uncaught ReferenceError: hideColumn is not defined Orgs.js:201

Why am i getting this Error ? 为什么会出现此错误?

If i look into console of google chrome, i see that files were loaded in order and there were no error except the one mentioned above //console output 如果我查看google chrome的控制台,我会看到文件已按顺序加载,除了上面提到的一个//控制台输出,没有错误。

 KendoUIGridFetaures Loaded KendoUIGridFeatures.js:3
 Orgs Loaded Orgs.js:3

$(document).ready(function () {

console.log("KendoUIGridFetaures Loaded");
var gridFeaturesLoaded = true;

function hideColumn(e) {


function showColumn(e) {

function columnResize(e) {

function reOrderColumn(e) {

function gridDatabound(e) {


$(document).ready(function () {

console.log("Orgs Loaded");

$("#" + gridName).kendoGrid({
    dataSource: dsOrg,
    autoBind: false,
    columnHide: hideColumn,
    columnShow: showColumn,
    columnResize: columnResize,
    columnReorder: reOrderColumn,
    dataBound: gridDatabound,


I think your problem is that you are using the function hideColumn as a global function, but you have not defined it globally. 我认为您的问题是您将函数hideColumn用作全局函数,但尚未全局定义。

When you define a function in $(document).ready , that function is only accessible in that scope. $(document).ready定义函数时,只能在该范围内访问该函数。 So you have to move hideColumn (as well as all your other grid functions) out of the $(document).ready for it to be accessible. 因此,您必须将hideColumn (以及所有其他网格功能)移出$(document).ready以便对其进行访问。

In KendoUIGridFeatures.js you want to move your functions out like this: KendoUIGridFeatures.js中,您要像这样将函数移出:

function hideColumn(e) {}
function showColumn(e) {}
function columnResize(e) {}
function reOrderColumn(e) {}
function gridDatabound(e) {}
//add your other grid functions...

$(document).ready(function () {
    console.log("KendoUIGridFetaures Loaded");
    var gridFeaturesLoaded = true;
    //other code you might have...

Alternatively, you can also put those functions inside the $(document).ready of org.js , and it will work since you are calling the function inside the same scope. 另外,您也可以将这些函数放在org.js$(document).ready内,由于您在同一作用域内调用该函数,因此它可以工作。

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