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[英]Bind dynamically loaded checkbox to Angular.js model

I am using Angular.js and DataTables to load a big list of data. 我正在使用Angular.js和DataTables来加载大量数据。 This is using server side processing, so the page is loaded, and then the DataTable loads. 这是使用服务器端处理,因此加载页面,然后加载DataTable。

My table has two columns of checkboxes that I am trying to bind to an angular root scope variable. 我的表有两列复选框,我试图绑定到一个角度根范围变量。 Here is the code where I set my rootscope variable as a placeholder. 这是我将rootscope变量设置为占位符的代码。

ultModule.run(function($rootScope) {
    $rootScope.report = {
        disavow: { domains: [], urls: [] }

The following function is called by my controller to retrieve the saved data and to save the reason variable in the report.disavow (checkbox data to save) object. 我的控制器调用以下函数来检索保存的数据并将原因变量保存在report.disavow(要保存的复选框数据)对象中。

function setSelectionData($rootScope, $http) {
    /* Checkbox Initial Data */
        method: 'POST', 
        url: '../ajax-targets/get-report-selected.php',
        data : { 'id': $rootScope.report.id }
    }).success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
        if(data.error) { alert(data.msg); }
        $rootScope.report.disavow = data;
    }).error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
        alert('There was an error starting the process. Please try again later.');

    /* Checkbox Handeling */
    $rootScope.toggelSelected = function(type, id, reason) {
        if(type === 'domain') {
            $rootScope.disavow.domains[id].reason = reason;
        } else {
            $rootScope.disavow.urls[id].reason = reason;
        var a = $rootScope.disavow;

ultController.controller('CtrlReportStats', function($rootScope, $scope, $routeParams, $http) {
    setRootScopeParams($rootScope, $http, $routeParams.reportSha);

This is an example of the checkbox that I would like to bind to the report.disavow object. 这是我想绑定到report.disavow对象的复选框的示例。

<input type="checkbox" data-ng-model="report.disavow.domains[20378].checked" data-ng-change="toggelSelected('20378', 'url', 'bad-link')">

This code works perfectly if I paste the checkbox tag (above) into the partial.html. 如果我将checkbox标签(上面)粘贴到partial.html中,此代码可以正常工作。 If I return this and put it in the datatable it doesn't do anything. 如果我将其返回并将其放入数据表中则不会执行任何操作。

I believe that I need to tell Angular to check the page again and bind to any objects. 我相信我需要告诉Angular再次检查页面并绑定到任何对象。 I'm looking through the docs but haven't found what I'm looking for. 我正在查看文档,但没有找到我正在寻找的东西。 Can anyone point me in the right direction? 谁能指出我正确的方向? Please and thank you. 谢谢,麻烦您了。

All right I have found my answer. 好吧,我找到了答案。 All of my above code for the checkbox's is correct. 我在复选框上面的所有代码都是正确的。

The issue was that Angular doesn't automatically bind directives and models to html added to the dom element after page load, which DataTables does. 问题是Angular不会自动将指令和模型绑定到页面加载后添加到dom元素的html,DataTables会这样做。

The solution was to use $compile to parse the html and fnLink to binde it to the $scope. 解决方案是使用$ compile来解析html和fnLink以将其绑定到$ scope。 Please note that I am using $rootScope to maintain a list across multiple pages. 请注意,我使用$ rootScope来维护多个页面的列表。 In most cases you would probably want $scope. 在大多数情况下,您可能需要$ scope。

function setupForAngular($rootScope, $compile) {
    return function(element) {
        var fnLink = $compile(element);     // returns a Link function used to bind template to the scope
        fnLink($rootScope);                 // Bind Scope to the template

And here's my controller. 这是我的控制器。

app.controller('CtrlChecks', function($rootScope, $scope, $compile) {
    var activateInAngular = setupForAngular($rootScope, $compile);

    $scope.options = {
        sDom: '<"top"lif>rt<"bottom"lip><"clearfix">',
        aaSorting: [[ 3, "desc" ]],
        aLengthMenu: [[100, 250, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, -1], [100, 250, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, "All"]],
        iDisplayLength: 100,
        sPaginationType: "full_numbers",
        bSort: true,
        bAutoWidth: false,
        oLanguage: { "sEmptyTable": 'No patterns found' },
        bProcessing: true,
        bServerSide: true
    $scope.options.sAjaxSource = '../ajax-targets/get-domains.php';
    $scope.options.fnRowCallback = function(nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex, iDisplayIndexFull) {
        $(nRow).attr('id', aData['id']);
        setupDetailClickEvent(nRow, activateInAngular);
    $scope.options.fnInitComplete = function(oSettings, json) {
    $scope.options = buildDataTable(activateInAngular);
    $scope.options.fnServerParams = function(aoData) {
        aoData.push({"name": "type", "value": "dead"}, {"name": "id_sha", "value": $rootScope.report.sha});
    $scope.options.aoColumns = [
        {"mDataProp": "index", "sClass": "index"},
        {"mDataProp": "check-box-domain", "sClass": "check-box"},
        {"mDataProp": "check-box-url", "sClass": "check-box"},
        {"mDataProp": "pageLink", "sClass": "pageLink"},
        {"mDataProp": "reason_text", "sClass": "reason"}
    $scope.options.aoColumnDefs = [{"bSortable": false, "aTargets": [0, 1, 2]}];
    $scope.counter = 0;

Heres some links to docs: 以下是文档的一些链接:

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