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C ++类的常量参数

[英]C++ Constant parameter of a class

I'm implementing custom TableModel ( MyTableModel class) in Qt, based on QAbstractTableModel to display the data stored in an object of MyDataStorage class. 我基于QAbstractTableModel在Qt中实现自定义TableModel( MyTableModel类),以显示存储在MyDataStorage类的对象中的数据。 It requires defining rowCount() and columnCount() functions for MyTableModel . 它需要为MyTableModel定义rowCount()columnCount()函数。

In my case I have a class MyDataStorage that contains a QList<MyData> dataList . 就我而言,我有一个MyDataStorage类,其中包含QList<MyData> dataList MyData class consists of a five member variables (one int , one QDate and three QString s). MyData类包含五个成员变量(一个int ,一个QDate和三个QString )。 MyTableModel::rowCount() returns simply the length of MyDataStorage 's dataList . MyTableModel::rowCount()仅返回MyDataStoragedataList的长度。 MyTableModel::columnCount() must return the number of members of MyData that are to be shown in the table, so first I defined the public method MyData::getParameterCount() {return 5;} , so that I could use it as shown below: MyTableModel::columnCount()必须返回要在表中显示的MyData成员的数量,因此首先我定义了公共方法MyData::getParameterCount() {return 5;} ,以便可以如图所示使用它下面:

class MyTableModel : public QAbstractTableModel
    MyDataStorage& im;
    explicit InfoTableModel(MyDataStorage& m, QObject *parent = 0);
    int rowCount();
    inline int columnCount() {return m.getLast().getParameterCount()};
    QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const;
    QVariant headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const;

I feel it is not the best solution as the list can be empty. 我觉得这不是最好的解决方案,因为列表可以为空。 Other possibilites are to define: 其他可能的定义如下:

  • equivalent function in MyDataStorage , MyDataStorage等效功能,
  • preprocessor constant, 预处理程序常量,
  • static member of MyData , MyData静态成员,
  • simple inline int columnCount() {return 5;} as MyTableModel has to be changed with every change of the underlying data model (it's the most obvious solution, but I'm scared if this is correct) 简单的inline int columnCount() {return 5;}因为MyTableModel基础数据模型的每次更改都必须更改MyTableModel (这是最明显的解决方案,但是我怕这是正确的)

but I don't feel any of them is the proper solution, as the number of MyData members will change in the future. 但我认为其中任何一个都不是正确的解决方案,因为MyData成员的数量将来会改变。

What are your propositions? 你有什么主张?

If you do not have an element in your storage, then your row count is zero, as is your column count. 如果存储中没有元素,则行数和列数均为零。 Therefore you should just check this: 因此,您应该检查一下:

inline int columnCount() { return (m.isEmpty() ? 0 : m.getLast().getParameterCount()) };

You can declare MyData::getParameterCount() as static member and then refer to it like this: 您可以将MyData::getParameterCount()声明为static成员,然后像这样引用它:

inline int columnCount() const {return MyData::getParameterCount();}

In that case you don't need any MyData objects. 在这种情况下,您不需要任何MyData对象。

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