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[英]Android parsing multiple HTML tables with Jsoup

I am trying to parse an HTML page on the internet to retrieve data from a table in it with Jsoup. 我正在尝试解析Internet上的HTML页面以使用Jsoup从其中的表中检索数据。 But the page I want to parse contains more than one table. 但是我要解析的页面包含多个表。 How can I do that? 我怎样才能做到这一点? Is that possible? 那可能吗?

Edit: Here is the page I want to parse: 编辑:这是我要解析的页面:

http://metudex.com/mobilepac/browse.php?SEARCH=calculus&kriter=X&Submit=Search http://metudex.com/mobilepac/browse.php?SEARCH=calculus&kriter=X&Submit=Search

I want to retrieve data from the tables with book info. 我想从带有书籍信息的表格中检索数据。

Document doc = Jsoup.connect("http://metudex.com/mobilepac/browse.php?SEARCH=calculus&kriter=X&Submit=Search").get();

Elements els = doc.select("td:has(span.briefcitDetail)"); //gets every td that has a child span with class briefcitDetail

for(Element el : els) {
    System.out.println("--" + el.text());

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