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MONO GTK#组合框条目-查找输入的值并将其设置为默认值

[英]MONO GTK# Combobox entry - find entered value and set it to default

First, sorry for my English. 首先,对不起我的英语。 I don't use it often. 我不经常使用。

I'm learning Mono C# with GTK# on my Mac, and i've got problem with one function. 我在Mac上使用GTK#学习Mono C#,但我在使用一个功能时遇到了问题。 I've no idea what to crunch this. 我不知道该怎么处理。

This is my code: 这是我的代码:

var searchString = itemNameCombo.Entry.Text;
string chk;

TreeIter ti;
itemNameCombo.Model.GetIterFirst (out ti);

do {
    chk = itemNameCombo.Model.GetValue(ti, 0).ToString();
    if(chk == searchString) {
        Console.WriteLine("Done - found"); itemNameCombo.SetActiveIter( ti );
} while( itemNameCombo.Model.IterNext(ref ti));

It's get searchString (what i enter into combobox entry, and search successfully for it on my combolist. But i want to filter results by letter, and show only that equals to entered text. 它是searchString(我要输入组合框条目,然后在组合列表上成功搜索它。但是我想按字母过滤结果,并仅显示等于输入的文本。

Please look for example combolist: 请查看示例组合列表:

"Book" , "Boat" , "Computer" , "Mouse" , "Zepelin" “书”,“船”,“计算机”,“鼠标”,“ Zepelin”

If i enter bo it will be nice, if after popup results, i will see only: 如果我输入bo会很好,如果弹出结果后,我只会看到:

"* Bo *ok" , "* bo *at" “ * Bo * ok”,“ * bo * at”

I've got no book, and codes from visual c# don't help. 我没有书,Visual C#的代码也无济于事。 Reading GTK is dificcult for me, becouse i'm only two-day c# programmer. 对我而言,阅读GTK实在是个难事,因为我只是为期2天的C#程序员。 I learn when i see example. 当我看到示例时,我会学习。

Thank for any help. 感谢您的帮助。

EDIT: Ok, this doesn't work - i found other solution for get first char of entered string. 编辑:好的,这行不通-我找到了获取输入字符串的第一个字符的其他解决方案。 But i wonder how to make "suggest" something like this: 但是我想知道如何使“建议”这样的东西:

IMAGE: http://i.stack.imgur.com/0AJo5.jpg (this is in php/jquery) 图像: http : //i.stack.imgur.com/0AJo5.jpg (在php / jquery中)

Is there any posibility to make something like this in GTK# ? 是否可以在GTK#中进行类似的事情?

I Found fully working sollution for me :-) 我找到了对我完全有效的解决方案:-)

using System;
using Gtk;

public class DemoEntryCompletion : Window
    static void Main ()
        Application.Init ();
        new DemoEntryCompletion ();
        Application.Run ();

  public DemoEntryCompletion () : base ("Demo Entry Completion")
    this.BorderWidth = 10;
    this.Resizable = false;
    VBox vbox = new VBox ();

    Label label = new Label ("Completion demo, try writing <b>total</b> or </b>gnome</b> for example.");
    label.UseMarkup = true;
    vbox.PackStart (label, false, true, 0);

    Entry entry = new Entry ();
    entry.Completion = new EntryCompletion ();
    entry.Completion.Model = CreateCompletionModel ();
    entry.Completion.TextColumn = 0;
    vbox.PackStart (entry, false, true, 0);

    this.Add (vbox);
    this.ShowAll ();

  TreeModel CreateCompletionModel ()
    ListStore store = new ListStore (typeof (string));

    store.AppendValues ("GNOME");
    store.AppendValues ("total");
      store.AppendValues ("totally");

    return store;

Link: http://api.xamarin.com/?link=T%3aGtk.EntryCompletion 链接: http//api.xamarin.com/? link = T% 3aGtk.EntryCompletion

There is no need to filter results. 无需过滤结果。

Try sorting like this, and for look in when search with gtk# instead of mono 尝试像这样排序,并在使用gtk#而不是mono搜索时查找

     string tempsearch=""
     string tempitem=""
     string searche=""
     list lista

     foreach itemString in combo
        foreach char in itemstring
             foreach chars in search
               tempsearch= tempsearch+chars
                 if (tempsearch==tempitem)

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