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如何实现我自己的LinkedList <LinkedList> Java中的数据结构?

[英]How to implement my own LinkedList<LinkedList> data structure in Java?

I am working on something which would make it easier if several of the objects I use would be written by me (instead of using Java's libraries). 我正在做一些事情,如果我使用的多个对象是由我自己编写的(而不是使用Java的库),这将使工作变得更加容易。 I am currently stuck at implementing an ArrayList<ArrayList> object (which we can call MyHashTable ) using my LinkedList class and my Node class. 我目前坚持使用LinkedList类和Node类实现ArrayList<ArrayList>对象(我们可以将其称为MyHashTable )。 Here is my correctly implemented LinkedList class so far: 到目前为止,这是我正确实现的LinkedList类:

public class LinkedList{
    Node start;
    int length;

    public LinkedList(){
        start = new Node();
        length= 0;

    public void addNode(Node node){
        Node s= start;
        while (s.next != null){
            s= s.next;
        s.next= node;

    public int getLength(){
        return length;

    public boolean findNode(Node node){
        Node s= start;
        while(s.next != null){
            if (s == node){
                return true;
            s.next= node;
        return false;


So I am having trouble modifying this class to accept Java generics (so I could make a Linked List of Linked Lists instead of simply Linked List of Nodes). 因此,我在修改此类以接受Java泛型时遇到了麻烦(因此我可以制作一个“链表的链表”,而不是简单的“节点的链表”)。 Let me know if I should provide how my Node class looks. 让我知道是否应提供Node类的外观。

A generic LinkedList just substitutes the type of the value. 通用LinkedList只是替换值的类型。 You don't show your Node class so I don't understand how you're using it. 您没有显示Node类,所以我不明白您如何使用它。 Here is a generic linked list: 这是一个通用的链表:

class LinkedList<E> {
    static class Node<E> {
        E value;
        Node<E> next;

        Node(E value) {
            this.value = value;

    Node<E> head = new Node<E>(null);
    Node<E> tail = head;
    int size;

    void add(E value) {
        tail = tail.next = new Node<E>(value);

    E get(int index) {
        if(index < 0 || size <= index)
            throw new OutOfBoundsException(index);

        Node<E> node = head.next;
        while(index > 0) {
            node = node.next;

        return node.value;

But I'm not sure what you mean by make that in to an ArrayList. 但是我不确定将其放入ArrayList是什么意思。 An ArrayList is completely different, it is an array that resizes itself automatically: ArrayList完全不同,它是一个自动调整自身大小的数组:

class ArrayList<E> {
    Object[] array = new Object[10];
    int size;

    void add(E value) {
        if(size >= array.length) {
            array = Arrays.copyOf(array, (int)(size * 3L / 2L));

        array[size++] = value;

    E get(int index) {
        return (E)array[index];

And while I suppose you could hack together a hash table by using a multidimensional array, I don't recommend it. 虽然我想您可以使用多维数组将哈希表合并在一起,但我不建议这样做。 You cannot just go and instantiate an array with 2^32 elements so that means you have to manage intersections. 您不能仅使用2 ^ 32个元素实例化数组,因此这意味着您必须管理交叉点。 I don't see how an ArrayList<ArrayList> could ever be a working hash table. 我看不到ArrayList <ArrayList>怎么可能是工作哈希表。 Here is a simple hash table implementation similar to the Java one. 这是一个类似于Java的简单哈希表实现。 The table is an array of linked lists. 该表是链接列表的数组。

class HashTable<K, V> {
    static class Entry<K, V> {
        K key;
        V value;

        Entry<K, V> next;

        Entry(K key, V value) {
           this.key = key;
           this.value = value;

    Entry[] table = new Entry[8];
    int size;

    void put(K key, V value) {
        Entry<K, V> entry = table[indexFor(key)];
        while(entry != null) {
            if(entry.key.equals(key)) {
                entry.value = value;

            entry = entry.next;


        addEntry(new Entry<K, V>(key, value));

    void addEntry(Entry<K, V> newEntry) {
        int index = indexFor(newEntry.key);
        Entry<K, V> entry = table[index];

        if(entry == null) {
            table[index] = newEntry;

        } else {
            while(entry.next != null)
                entry = entry.next;

            entry.next = newEntry;

    void resizeIfNeeded() {
        if(size < table.length)

        Entry[] old = table;
        table = new Entry[old.length << 1];

        for(Entry<K, V> entry : old) {
            while(entry != null) {
                Entry<K, V> next = entry.next;
                entry.next = null;
                entry = next;

    V get(K key) {
        Entry<K, V> entry = table[indexFor(key)];
        while(entry != null) {
                return entry.value;

            entry = entry.next;

        return null;

    int indexFor(K key) {
        return key.hashCode() & table.length - 1;

As I mentioned in my comment, this sounds like an XY problem . 正如我在评论中提到的那样,这听起来像是XY问题 I don't see how this is easier than using the Java data structures. 我没有看到这比使用Java数据结构更容易。 Perhaps you have a different question to ask. 也许您有其他问题要问。

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