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[英]Ajax File Upload Issue

I am developing a CakePHP web application that will need to do multiple file uploads. 我正在开发一个CakePHP Web应用程序,该应用程序需要上传多个文件。

I've implemented an Ajax File Upload plugin to help me do this. 我已经实现了一个Ajax File Upload插件来帮助我做到这一点。 However, since my Form element has to be submitted to the Controller, I cannot set it's action to my own PHP upload script. 但是,由于必须将Form元素提交给Controller,因此无法将其action设置为我自己的PHP上传脚本。

Is there a way for me to set the PHP upload script within my JavaScript instead, and let the form be submitted to it's Controller? 有没有办法在我的JavaScript中设置PHP上传脚本,然后将表单提交给它的Controller?

This is the JS script that I'm using. 这是我正在使用的JS脚本。


var ul = $('#attachments_plugin ul');

$('#drop a').click(function(){
    // Simulate a click on the file input button
    // to show the file browser dialog

// Initialize the jQuery File Upload plugin

    // This element will accept file drag/drop uploading
    dropZone: $('#drop'),

    // This function is called when a file is added to the queue;
    // either via the browse button, or via drag/drop:
    add: function (e, data) {

        var tpl = $('<li class="working"><input type="text" value="0" data-width="20" data-height="20"'+
            ' data-fgColor="#0788a5" data-readOnly="1" data-bgColor="#3e4043" /><p></p><span></span></li>');

        // Append the file name and file size
                     .append('<i>' + formatFileSize(data.files[0].size) + '</i>');

        // Add the HTML to the UL element
        data.context = tpl.appendTo(ul);

        // Initialize the knob plugin

        // Listen for clicks on the cancel icon




        // Automatically upload the file once it is added to the queue
        var jqXHR = data.submit();

    progress: function(e, data){

        // Calculate the completion percentage of the upload
        var progress = parseInt(data.loaded / data.total * 100, 10);

        // Update the hidden input field and trigger a change
        // so that the jQuery knob plugin knows to update the dial

        if(progress == 100){

    fail:function(e, data){
        // Something has gone wrong!


// Prevent the default action when a file is dropped on the window
$(document).on('drop dragover', function (e) {

// Helper function that formats the file sizes
function formatFileSize(bytes) {
    if (typeof bytes !== 'number') {
        return '';

    if (bytes >= 1000000000) {
        return (bytes / 1000000000).toFixed(2) + ' GB';

    if (bytes >= 1000000) {
        return (bytes / 1000000).toFixed(2) + ' MB';

    return (bytes / 1000).toFixed(2) + ' KB';


Somewhere in that script I need to tell it which PHP script to use for uploading. 在该脚本的某个地方,我需要告诉它要使用哪个PHP脚本进行上传。 I'm just not sure where, and how. 我只是不确定在哪里,以及如何。 Any help would be greatly appreciated. 任何帮助将不胜感激。 Thank you. 谢谢。

As per the demo link that you have provided Ajax File Upload , the upload file will be posted to upload.php 按照您提供的Ajax File Upload的演示链接,上传文件将发布到upload.php

Now, where to write this upload.php name, Simple , 现在,在哪里写这个upload.php名称Simple,

<form id="upload" method="post" action="upload.php" enctype="multipart/form-data">
            <div id="drop">
                Drop Here

                <input type="file" name="upl" multiple="">

                <!-- The file uploads will be shown here -->


In the above code, form action data action="upload.php" decide the post url name. 在上面的代码中,表单操作数据action="upload.php"决定了发布网址的名称。 SO let say if you want to post to some controller action method, then instead of upload.php write down your controller action method name. 因此,假设您要发布到某个控制器操作方法,那么请写下您的控制器操作方法名称,而不是upload.php。

For different url, please try 对于其他网址,请尝试


var ul = $('#attachments_plugin ul');

$('#drop a').click(function(){
    // Simulate a click on the file input button
    // to show the file browser dialog

// Initialize the jQuery File Upload plugin
    url: '/path/to/upload/',

    // This element will accept file drag/drop uploading
    dropZone: $('#drop'),

    // This function is called when a file is added to the queue;
    // either via the browse button, or via drag/drop:
    add: function (e, data) {

        var tpl = $('<li class="working"><input type="text" value="0" data-width="20" data-height="20"'+
            ' data-fgColor="#0788a5" data-readOnly="1" data-bgColor="#3e4043" /><p></p><span></span></li>');

        // Append the file name and file size
                     .append('<i>' + formatFileSize(data.files[0].size) + '</i>');

        // Add the HTML to the UL element
        data.context = tpl.appendTo(ul);

        // Initialize the knob plugin

        // Listen for clicks on the cancel icon




        // Automatically upload the file once it is added to the queue
        var jqXHR = data.submit();

    progress: function(e, data){

        // Calculate the completion percentage of the upload
        var progress = parseInt(data.loaded / data.total * 100, 10);

        // Update the hidden input field and trigger a change
        // so that the jQuery knob plugin knows to update the dial

        if(progress == 100){

    fail:function(e, data){
        // Something has gone wrong!


// Prevent the default action when a file is dropped on the window
$(document).on('drop dragover', function (e) {

// Helper function that formats the file sizes
function formatFileSize(bytes) {
    if (typeof bytes !== 'number') {
        return '';

    if (bytes >= 1000000000) {
        return (bytes / 1000000000).toFixed(2) + ' GB';

    if (bytes >= 1000000) {
        return (bytes / 1000000).toFixed(2) + ' MB';

    return (bytes / 1000).toFixed(2) + ' KB';


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