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jQuery UI手风琴关闭问题

[英]jquery UI accordion close issue

For creating the accordion i used the jquery ui accordion. 为了创建手风琴,我使用了jQuery ui手风琴。

$('#programOutlineBox table tr td').accordion({
        collapsible: true,
        active: false,
        heightStyle: "content",
        autoHeight: false,

And for expand all and collapse all below is the code 对于全部展开和下面全部折叠的代码

//expand all

$('#div .ui-accordion-header').removeClass('ui-corner-all').addClass('ui-accordion-header-active ui-state-active ui-corner-top').attr({'aria-selected':'true','tabindex':'0'});

$('#div .ui-accordion-header .ui-icon').removeClass('ui-icon-triangle-1-e').addClass('ui-icon-triangle-1-s');

$('#div .ui-accordion-content').addClass('ui-accordion-content-active').attr({'aria-expanded':'true','aria-hidden':'false'}).slideDown(); 

//collapse all

$('#div .ui-accordion-header').removeClass('ui-accordion-header-active ui-state-active ui-corner-top').addClass('ui-corner-all').attr({'aria-selected':'false','tabindex':'-1'});

$('#div.ui-accordion-header .ui-icon').removeClass('ui-icon-triangle-1-s').addClass('ui-icon-triangle-1-e');

$('#div .ui-accordion-content').removeClass('ui-accordion-content-active').attr({'aria-expanded':'false','aria-hidden':'true'}).slideUp();

But the problem comes when I click on expand all ,the accordion opens properly but while closing individual items one by one it needs to be double clicked.Dont really figure out whats going wrong here? 但是问题出在我单击全部展开时,手风琴可以正确打开,但是在逐一关闭单个项目时需要双击。难道真的不知道这里出了什么问题吗?

The jQueryUI Accordion widget doesn't support opening more than one accordion at a time. jQueryUI手风琴小部件不支持一次打开多个手风琴。

See the documentation here: http://api.jqueryui.com/accordion/#option-active 请参阅此处的文档: http : //api.jqueryui.com/accordion/#option-active
You can have either 1 or 0 panels open at a time. 您可以一次打开1或0个面板。

Your code is manipulating the styles to make it appear that all accordion entries are visible but it is not changing the internal accordion state so jQueryUI still thinks all the accordions are closed. 您的代码正在操纵样式,以使其看起来所有手风琴条目都是可见的,但它并未更改内部手风琴状态,因此jQueryUI仍然认为所有手风琴都已关闭。

When you click on one of these "open" accordion items jQueryUI is trying to open that accordion (so it looks like nothing happens) and then when you click it again it will close. 当您单击这些“打开”的手风琴项目之一时,jQueryUI试图打开该手风琴(因此看起来什么也没发生),然后再次单击它时,它将关闭。

To fix this your options are: 要解决此问题,您可以选择:

  1. Change to a different Accordion library that supports multiple open items (eg Bootstrap Collapse supports this http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#collapse there are other libraries out there too) 更改为支持多个打开项的其他手风琴库(例如,Bootstrap Collapse支持此http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#collapse,那里还有其他库)

  2. If you want/need to keep using jQueryUI then change your page to use multiple single-item accordions. 如果您希望/需要继续使用jQueryUI,则将页面更改为使用多个单项手风琴。

Here is an example using multiple Accordions: http://jsfiddle.net/Sly_cardinal/WLsUx/2/ 这是使用多个手风琴的示例: http : //jsfiddle.net/Sly_cardinal/WLsUx/2/


<h2>Multiple Accordions</h2>
<div id="accordion2">
    <button type="button" class="expand">Expand All</button>
    <button type="button" class="collapse">Collapse All</button>

    <div class="accordion">
        <h3>Section 1</h3>
            <p>Vestibulum a velit eu ante scelerisque vulputate.</p>

    <div class="accordion">
        <h3>Section 2</h3>
            <p>Vivamus non quam. In suscipit faucibus urna. </p>

    <!-- Add as many accordions as needed here... -->

JavaScript: JavaScript的:

$(function() {
        // Allows the accordion to be closed - i.e. no item is selected.
        collapsible: true

        // Trigger each accordion to open it's only element.
        $(".accordion").accordion('option', 'active', 0);

        // Close all accordions.
        $(".accordion").accordion('option', 'active', false);

If you need to allow only one Accordion to be open at a time then you will need to handle that behaviour between each of the jQueryUI Accordions you have on the page. 如果您一次只允许打开一个手风琴,那么您将需要处理页面上每个jQueryUI手风琴之间的行为。

I do agree with the statement above "The jQueryUI Accordion widget doesn't support opening more than one accordion at a time". 我确实同意上面的声明“ jQueryUI手风琴小部件不支持一次打开多个手风琴”。

I had similar requirement by my client towards the end of the project phase and adding multiple accordions would have ended up with a lot of javascript re-work. 在项目阶段结束时,我的客户也有类似的要求,而添加多个手风琴将导致大量的JavaScript返工。

But i did achieve the behavior by making small tweaks as below. 但是我确实通过如下进行一些小的调整来实现了该行为。

Problem with "clicking twice to close a section of accordion after you open up all sections at a time": “一次打开所有部分后单击两次以关闭一个手风琴部分”的问题:

1) Since you opened all sections of the accordion by adding/removing classes and attributes instead of the "jquery-ui" script taking care of it internally, the accordion "ACTIVE" option is not set. 1)由于您通过添加/删除类和属性而不是在内部处理“ jquery-ui”脚本来打开手​​风琴的所有部分,因此未设置手风琴的“ ACTIVE”选项。 [So now you have sections opened but the accordion active flag is false]. [所以现在您已经打开了部分,但手风琴活动标志为false]。

2) When you click to close the section, the first click takes to set the active section on the accordion. 2)当您单击以关闭该部分时,第一次单击将设置手风琴上的活动部分。 Once the active section is set the next click would know to collapse the section. 一旦设置了活动部分,下一次单击将知道折叠该部分。

If you want to see the behavior, put a break point on the "_eventHandler:" method of jquery accordion in the referenced "jquery-ui.js" file when you close the section. 如果要查看行为,请在关闭该节时在引用的“ jquery-ui.js”文件中的jquery手风琴的“ _eventHandler:”方法上放置一个断点。

Solution: 解:

1) I added a custom attribute to all the header sections during 'expand all' and i would remove the attribute from all the sections on either 'collapse all' or individual section close. 1)我在'expand all'期间向所有标头节添加了一个自定义属性,并且我将在'collapse all'或单个节关闭时从所有节中删除该属性。

function expandAll() {
var sections = $('.accordion').find("h3");
sections.each(function (index, section) {
    $(this).attr({ "aria-selected": "true" }).next().attr({ "aria-expanded": "true", "aria-hidden": "false" });

    //My custom attribute for tracking
    $(this).attr("myCustomCls", "custCls");

function collapseAll() {
var sections = $('.accordion').find("h3");
sections.each(function (index, section) {
    $(this).attr({ "aria-selected": "false" }).next().attr({ "aria-expanded": "false", "aria-hidden": "true" });

    //Removing the custom attribute

2) Wire up a custom js click event on the header of the accordion which would set the section active only when all sections are opened together . 2)在手风琴的标题上连接一个自定义js click事件,该事件仅在所有部分一起打开时才将其设置为活动状态。 In normal cases jquery accordion will handle it. 在正常情况下,jQuery手风琴会处理它。

$(".accordion").find("h3").click(function (event) {
    if ($(this).attr("myCustomCls")) {
        var id = this.id;
        var index = id.substring(id.length - 1);
        $(".accordion").accordion("option", "active", index);

        //Remove the attribute once section is being closed.

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