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doc.meteor.com在Mac Safari 7.0.1中无法正常运行吗?

[英]doc.meteor.com does not work well with Mac Safari 7.0.1?

I've been using Mac (Mavericks) Safari to lookup docs.meteor.com but of late, Safari was not able to read the site. 我一直在使用Mac(小牛)Safari浏览器来查找docs.meteor.com,但最近,Safari无法读取该站点。 The location bar keeps refreshing and no page appears. 位置栏保持刷新,并且没有页面出现。

I think the latest may have broke it. 我认为最新的0.7.0.1可能已经打破了它。 Any one experiencing the same issue? 有人遇到相同的问题吗?

Apparently, there is a known problem as discussed in this thread at meteor-talk google group: 显然,有一个已知的问题在Google Meteor-talk Google Group的此线程中讨论:

https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/meteor-talk/ZzQVdcdz33Y/discussion https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/meteor-talk/ZzQVdcdz33Y/discussion

It seems to work when dev tools is open and now work when it is closed. 开发工具打开时似乎可以工作,而关闭时可以工作。

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