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Rails PaperClip电子邮件附件不起作用

[英]Rails PaperClip email attachment not working

I'm trying to email a PaperClip attachment. 我正在尝试通过电子邮件发送PaperClip附件。 I've read several posts on StackExchange, but still can't get it to work. 我已经阅读了StackExchange上的几篇文章,但仍然无法使它正常工作。 For some tries I get undefined method' , others take me to the login screen. 对于某些尝试,我会获得undefined method' ,而其他尝试undefined method'我带到登录屏幕。

Comment Model: 评论模型:

  has_one :attachment

Mailer code I've tried: 我尝试过的邮件程序代码:

attachments[comment.attachment.attach_file_name] = File.read(comment.attachment.to_file.path)

attachments[comment.attachment.attach_file_name] = File.read(comment.attachment.path)

attachments[comment.attachment.attach_file_name] = File.read(attachment_path(comment.attachment))

This is a copy of the browser console - I tried several things: 这是浏览器控制台的副本-我尝试了几件事:

>> comment.attachment.attach_file_name
=> "2013-09-10_09-32-32.png"
>> comment.attachment.path
!! #<NoMethodError: undefined method `path' for #  <Attachment:0x007f8d06903450>>
>> attachment_path(comment.attachment)
=> "/attachments/75"
>> File.read(attachment_path(comment.attachment))
!! #<Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - /attachments/75>
>> File.read(attachment_path(comment.attachment).to_file)
!! #<NoMethodError: undefined method `to_file' for  "/attachments/75":String>
>> File.read(comment.attachment.path)
!! #<NoMethodError: undefined method `path' for # <Attachment:0x007f8d06903450>>
>> File.read(comment.attachment.to_file.path)
!! #<NoMethodError: undefined method `to_file' for # <Attachment:0x007f8d06903450>>

So, this code: 因此,此代码:


Returns this: 返回此:



I tried this: 我尝试了这个:

attachments[comment.attachment.attach_file_name] = File.read(comment.attachment.attach_url)

Got undefined method attach_url undefined method attach_url

So, tried these in the console: 因此,请在控制台中尝试以下操作:

>> comment.attachment.attach_url
!! #<NoMethodError: undefined method `attach_url' for # <Attachment:0x007f8d1c9b3cb8>>
>> attachment_path(comment.attachment)
=> "/attachments/76"
>> attachment_path(comment.attachment).attach_url
!! #<NoMethodError: undefined method `attach_url' for "/attachments/76":String>
>> attach_url(comment.attachment)
!! #<NoMethodError: undefined method `attach_url' for #<CommentMailer:0x007f8d145664d8>>
>> attach_url_path(comment.attachment)
!! #<NoMethodError: undefined method `attach_url_path' for # <CommentMailer:0x007f8d145664d8>>
>> attachment(comment.attachment)
!! #<NoMethodError: undefined method `attachment' for # <CommentMailer:0x007f8d145664d8>>

This code sets up a one-to-one relationship between the Comment and the Attachment model: 这段代码在CommentAttachment模型之间建立了一对一的关系:

has_one :attachment

This has nothing to do with Paperclip. 这与回形针无关。

I assume that within your Attachment model you have something along the lines of the following: 我假设在您的Attachment模型中,您可以按照以下方式进行操作:

has_attached_file :attach

You need to interact with the :attach attached to the Attachment model: 您需要与附加到Attachment模型的:attach交互:


When you're trying to attach this to your email you should be using something like this: 当您尝试将其附加到您的电子邮件时,您应该使用如下格式:

attachments[comment.attachment.attach_file_name] = File.read(comment.attachment.attach.path)

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