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[英]Change Image OnClick & OnMouseover

I am a complete nub with JS, but I fiddle with it occasionally when necessary. 我对JS完全陌生,但有时在必要时偶尔摆弄它。 I am writing a function that changes two images on a page (before & after gallery images) when a sliding image is click / selected from a marquee below them. 我正在编写一个功能,当单击滑动图像或从其下方的选取框中选择滑动图像时,该功能会更改页面上的两个图像(画廊图像前后)。 I have that working. 我有工作。 The problem is that I also need to change the AFTER image when the BEFORE image is moused over, and I dont seem to be able to pass that variable to the function correctly - here is what I have: 问题是,当鼠标悬停在BEFORE图像上时,我还需要更改AFTER图像,而我似乎无法正确地将该变量传递给函数-这是我所拥有的:

  function changeImage(imgName)
 var img = imgName;
 img += 'a.jpg';
 var img1 = imgName;
 img1 += 'b.jpg';

 image = document.getElementById('imgDisp');
 image.src = img;    

 image = document.getElementById('imgDisp1');
 image.src = img1; 

  function swap1(image)
 var img = 'newgallery/';
 img += image;
 img += 'b.jpg';
     image = document.getElementById('imgDisp');
     image.src = img;    


  function swap2(image)
 var img = 'newgallery/';
 img += image;
 img += 'a.jpg';
     image = document.getElementById('imgDisp');
     image.src = img;    

<table border=0 width=85%>
<td align=center valign=top>
<img  id="imgDisp1" src=newgallery/1b.jpg height=80 
<p class=content>BEFORE</b></p></td>
<td width=35></td>
<td align=center><img id="imgDisp" src=newgallery/1a.jpg width=550></td>

<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" scrollamount="3"     onMouseOver="this.stop();" onMouseOut="this.start();">


$imagenum = '1';
$imageset = 'a.jpg';
$imagesetalt = 'b.jpg';

while($imagenum < 37){

$imagename = "$imagenum$imageset";
$imagethumb = "$imagenum$imagesetalt";

if($imagenum == '13'){


<img src=\"newgallery/$imagename\" height=\"120\" border=0    onclick=\"changeImage('newgallery/$imagenum')\">
<img src=images/spacer.gif width=25 height=1>";





I can change the images on click in the marquee calling the changeImage function because I can pass the assigned image name variable to the function. 我可以在调用changeImage函数的字幕中单击更改图像,因为我可以将分配的图像名称变量传递给该函数。 I cannot seem to figure out how to pass the BEFORE thumbnail image name variable to the mouseover functions (swap1) & (swap2) respectively. 我似乎无法弄清楚如何将BEFORE缩略图名称变量分别传递给鼠标悬停函数(swap1)和(swap2)。 This may just be a simple syntax solution - but again I dont know JS well enough to figure it out - any assistance would be appreciated. 这可能只是一个简单的语法解决方案-但同样,我对JS不够了解,无法弄清楚-任何帮助将不胜感激。

Honestly, your code is a little overcomplicated. 老实说,您的代码有些复杂。 You can simplify this by taking advantage of the data attribute of HTML elements. 您可以利用HTML元素的data属性来简化此过程。

Lets say you have a container defined as 假设您有一个定义为的容器

<div id = 'img_container' class = 'some_class'>
  <img id = 'image' class = 'some_image_class' src = '/path/to/default/image.jpg'  
     data-alt = '/path/to/hover/image.jpg' />

You can define a function to retrieve the path stored in the data attribute and swap the data and source values via 您可以定义一个函数来检索存储在data属性中的路径,并通过交换数据和源值

function swap(image){
  //temporary variable to hold the alternate image path
  var newImage = image.data("alt");

  //store the image src attribute in the `data-alt` attribute
  image.data("alt", image.attr("src");

  //replace the image src attribute with the new image path
  image.attr("src", newImage);


Now, you can apply events to the image via 现在,您可以通过以下方式将事件应用于图像

$("#image").on("mouseover", function(e){
              .on("mouseout", function(e){

This will allow you to replace the onmouseover and onmouseout events in your HTML. 这将允许您替换HTML中的onmouseoveronmouseout事件。

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