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[英]Display Form input in additional Text field

I am trying to have a contract filled in with values from a form on the same page, I have the basic idea but can not understand what I am missing in my application of it. 我试图用同一页上的表单中的值填充合同,我有基本想法,但无法理解我在应用该表单时缺少的内容。

jQuery(function($) {
var input_5 = $('#input_5');
var Child2Name = $('#Child2Name');
var previewinput_5 = $('.Previewinput_5');
var preview2ChildName = $('.PreviewChild2Name');

input_5.keyup(function(e) {
    previewChild1Name.text(input_5.val()); });

Child2Name.keyup(function(e) {
    preview2ChildName.text(Child2Name.val());  });

<li class="form-line" id="id_5">
    <label class="form-label-left" id="label_5" for="input_5">
      Legal Business Name<span class="form-required">*</span>
    <div id="cid_5" class="form-input">
      <input type="text" class=" form-textbox validate[required]" 
data-type="input- textbox" id="input_5" name="q5_legalBusiness"
size="20" value="" />

<input type="text" name="child2name" id="Child2Name" /> 
<Label>Child2 Name</label>

Whether it’s what <span class="input_5"></span> <br>
Whether it’s what <span class="PreviewChild2Name"></span> <BR>

The second part works fine, the first is clearly having issues with how the actual form is being displayed 第二部分工作正常,第一部分显然存在与实际表单显示方式有关的问题

http://jsfiddle.net/3dMqU/10/ http://jsfiddle.net/3dMqU/10/

You aren't using the right names(variable name and class name) in these lines: 您在这些行中没有使用正确的名称(变量名称和类名称):

var previewinput_5 = $('.Previewinput_5');
Whether it’s what <span class="cid_5"></span>

I assume previewinput_5 should be previewChild1Name and Previewinput_5 should be cid_5 . 我认为previewinput_5应该previewChild1NamePreviewinput_5应该cid_5 Your fiddle worked for me because you did the naming in it correctly, which is why I was confused. 您的fiddle为我工作是因为您正确地命名了它,这就是为什么我感到困惑。

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