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[英]Does jQuery internally convert HTML5 data attribute keys to lowercase?

I am trying to conform my JavaScript coding style to my Zend coding style as much as possible, which is using camelCase. 我试图尽可能地将我的JavaScript编码风格与我的Zend编码风格相符合,这是使用camelCase。 So, in my HTML5 data attributes, I am naming them as in this example: 因此,在我的HTML5数据属性中,我将其命名为以下示例:

<button class="action" data-actionClass="user" data-actionMethod="delete" data-actionRequest="/user/delete/user-id/1" data-actionComplete="{reload:users}">Delete User #1</button>
<div id="users" data-reloadRequest="/user/index"> ... </div>

Pretty unobtrusive way to harness Jquery for actions, but when I call $('.action').data(), the attribute names are converted to lowercase. 将Jquery用于操作的非常不引人注目的方式,但是当我调用$('。action')。data()时,属性名称将转换为小写。

Any workarounds for this? 有没有解决方法呢?

I never though JavaScript variables should have dashes in them, and I can't understand why jQuery is internally doing this for me? 我从不认为JavaScript变量应该包含破折号,我无法理解为什么jQuery在内部为我做这个? Or maybe it is HTML5? 或许它是HTML5?

If you use 如果你使用


then you can access the attribute with 然后你可以访问该属性


This is part of the HTML5 DOM API : 这是HTML5 DOM API的一部分

The custom data attributes is transformed to a key for the DOMStringMap entry with the following rules: 自定义数据属性将转换为DOMStringMap条目的键,并具有以下规则:

  • any dash (U+002D) is removed; 删除任何破折号(U + 002D);
  • any letter following a dash (U+002D), before its removal, is set in its uppercase counterpart. 短划线(U + 002D)之后的任何字母,在删除之前,都以其大写对应方式设置。

First off, see this part of the source code of JQuery, it assumes you have lower case attributes. 首先,看看这部分 JQuery的源代码,它假设你有小写属性。

Secondly, by convention, all HTML5 attributes should be lowercase, see: http://www.htmlbasictutor.ca/html-tag-attributes.htm 其次,按照惯例,所有HTML5属性都应该是小写的,请参阅: http//www.htmlbasictutor.ca/html-tag-attributes.htm

Finally, be warned you may encounter futher problems if you insist on using upper cases, see Django: Unable to add UPPERCASE attribute name in HTML input element 最后,请注意,如果您坚持使用大写,可能会遇到更多问题,请参阅Django:无法在HTML输入元素中添加UPPERCASE属性名称

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