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[英]Can I dynamically specify the type when creating an instance of a generic interface?

I have got a bit stuck with working out how to pass a data object to its processor class. 我在研究如何将数据对象传递到其处理器类时有些困惑。 I have attempted to give a simplified example of the problem below. 我试图在下面给出一个简化的例子。 I'm trying to figure out if there is a type safe way to instantiate the processor using the generic interface? 我试图找出是否存在使用泛型接口实例化处理器的类型安全的方法?

Cheers, 干杯,

Charlie 查理

class APieceOfState
        public string AbitOfData { get; set; }

interface IDescribeSomething<in T> 
        void Process(T type) ;

 class ImplementWhatIsDescribed : IDescribeSomething<APieceOfState>
        public void Process(APieceOfState type)
            Console.WriteLine("Processing {0}", type.GetType());


 private static void Main(string[] args)
        var nextTest = new ImplementWhatIsDescribed();
        var newStateObj = new APieceOfState();

        // Map processor to data in a dictionary
        var dic = new Dictionary<Type, Type>();
        var task = new APieceOfState();
        var taskProcessor = new ImplementWhatIsDescribed();
        dic.Add(task.GetType(), taskProcessor.GetType());

        // Lookup processor using data type
        Type lookupProcessorType;
        dic.TryGetValue(task.GetType(), out lookupProcessorType);

        //                                   vvvvvvvvvvv - How can I make this dynamic based on task.GetType()  ?
        var instance = (IDescribeSomething<APieceOfState>)Activator.CreateInstance(lookupProcessorType);


First option - you can just use dynamic (not strongly typed) 第一种选择-您可以只使用dynamic (不是强类型)

dynamic instance = Activator.CreateInstance(lookupProcessorType);

If you need compile time checks you'll have to go non-generic interface OR generic method that uses generic interface. 如果需要编译时检查,则必须使用非通用接口或使用通用接口的通用方法。 The reason is IFoo<OneType> and IFoo<OtherType> are not related by inheritance so there is no common static type you can refer to both. 原因是IFoo<OneType>IFoo<OtherType>通过继承不相关,因此没有可以同时引用的静态类型。

Sample for non-generic interface: 非通用接口的示例:

interface IDescribeSomething
   void Process(SomeBaseType type);

IDescribeSomething instance = 

Sample for generic + base similar to IEnumrable<T> . 类似于IEnumrable<T>通用+基本示例。 Note that it generally does not solve your problem but at least some other places can have generic code: 请注意,它通常不能解决您的问题,但是至少其他一些地方可以具有通用代码:

interface IDescribeSomething
   void Process(SomeBaseType type);

interface IDescribeSomething<T> : IDescribeSomething
   void Process(T type);

class APieceOfState : SomeBaseType {}

class ImplementWhatIsDescribed : IDescribeSomething<APieceOfState>
    public void Process(SomeBaseType type)
    public void Process(APieceOfState type)
        Console.WriteLine("Processing {0}", type.GetType());


IDescribeSomething instance = 

// but in this case you can sometime write strongly type one too
// if you got strongly typed version of interface 
IDescribeSomething<APieceOfState> p =...

Sample of strongly typed generic method 强类型泛型方法样本

void DoProcess<T>(T task)
   IDescribeSomething<T> instance = 


You can invoke this method by using MakeGenricMethod - How do I use reflection to call a generic method? 您可以使用MakeGenricMethod调用此方法- 如何使用反射调用泛型方法?

Do you want something like this ? 你想要这样的东西吗?

public void Process<T>(T type) where T : ICommon
    Console.WriteLine("Processing {0}", type.GetType());

public interface ICommon


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