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[英]How can I access the symfony Service Container in my Service?

I have created a new Service, and its job involves calling functions on other services that must be loaded by name at runtime. 我创建了一个新的Service,它的工作涉及调用必须在运行时按名称加载其他服务上的函数。 So, I can't pass in a static set of services to my service, I want it to actually be able to call get() on the service container itself. 所以,我无法将一组静态服务传递给我的服务,我希望它实际上能够在服务容器本身上调用get() The Symfony docs haven't been helpful for describing how to do this outside of a Controller class where I can just call $this->get(). Symfony文档没有帮助描述如何在Controller类之外执行此操作,我可以在其中调用$ this-> get()。 Anyone know how? 谁知道怎么样?

You have two possible solutions : 您有两种可能的解决方案:

1. Inject the service container : 1.注入服务容器:

<argument type="service" id="service_container" />

And then in your class : 然后在你的班上:

use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Container;


public function __construct(Container $container, ...) {

2. Extend ContainerAware class 2.扩展ContainerAware类

use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerAware;

class YourService extends ContainerAware
    public function someMethod($serviceName) 

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