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[英]Google translate Text-to-speech action canceled

I have write a function who gets the audio element from Google Translate: 我编写了一个从Google Translate获取音频元素的函数:

Interface.prototype.say = function( text ) {
    var audio = new Audio();
    audio.src ='http://translate.google.com/translate_tts?ie=utf-8&tl=fr&q=' + escape( text );

    console.log( audio.src );

audio.src returns the right string to translate but It didn't say anything. audio.src返回正确的字符串进行翻译,但未说明任何内容。 In console, in Network section I found that: 在控制台的“网络”部分中,我发现:


As you can see, the file request was canceled. 如您所见,文件请求已被取消。 If I click on the link (first line), it works very well. 如果我单击链接(第一行),则效果很好。 It seems that it's not working only when I try to request the file to another domain, but it works perfectly in the Google Translate domain. 看来,仅当我尝试将文件请求到另一个域时,它才不起作用,但是在Google Translate域中它却可以正常工作。

What is the problem? 问题是什么?

Solution: 解:

Interface.prototype.say = function( text ) {
    var section, frame;

    section   = document.getElementsByTagName( "head" )[ 0 ];
    frame     = document.createElement( "iframe" );
    frame.src = 'http://translate.google.com/translate_tts?ie=utf-8&tl=fr&q=' + escape( text );

    section.appendChild( frame );

Set an Iframe to the SRC. 将Iframe设置为SRC。 It will play automatically, or set an onload handler for the audio that then calls play . 它将自动播放,或为音频设置onload处理程序,然后调用play It's likely because you're forcing it to play before it has downloaded. 可能是因为您强迫它在下载之前播放。

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