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如何在.NET Regex Replace中转义替换/替换部分

[英]How to escape the substitution/replacement part in .NET Regex Replace

I want to escape the substitution part in a regex replace command in .NET: 我想在.NET中的regex replace命令中转义替换部分:

public static string GetPriceMessage(string data, string price)
    var repl = "This is a $1 priced at " + price + " suitable for $2.";
    return Regex.Replace(data, "item_name: ([^;]+); suitable: ([^;]+)", repl);

var price = "$15/item";
var data = "item_name: Puzzle; suitable: all ages";

GetPriceMessage(data, price)

I want to make sure price is substituted verbatim. 我想确保price被逐字替换。 Regex.Escape doesn't work. Regex.Escape不起作用。

You only need to escape $ in substitutions, since all substitutions start with $ . 您只需在替换中转义$ ,因为所有替换均以$开头。 Ie just use: 即只使用:

price.Replace("$", "$$");

See the following question for details: Handling regex escape replacement text that contains the dollar character 有关详细信息,请参见以下问题: 处理包含美元字符的正则表达式转义替换文本

Substitutions are the only regular expression language elements that are recognized in a replacement pattern. 替换是在替换模式中唯一可识别的正则表达式语言元素。 All other regular expression language elements, including character escapes, are allowed in regular expression patterns only and are not recognized in replacement patterns. 所有其他正则表达式语言元素(包括字符转义符)仅在正则表达式模式中允许使用,而在替换模式中不识别。

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In a replacement pattern, $ indicates the beginning of a substitution. 在替换模式中,$表示替换的开始。

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