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在EE 1.13中,来自Admin的清除缓存实际上并不清除缓存

[英]In EE 1.13 clearing cache from Admin does not actually cleans the cache

In My latest magento setup when I am clearing the cache from admin it does not clear the cache and my changes are not reflecting in frontend. 在我最新的magento设置中,当我从管理员清除缓存时,它不会清除缓存,我的更改没有反映在前端。

When I clear the cache directories from server my changes starts reflecting. 当我从服务器清除缓存目录时,我的更改开始反映。

Is there anything that admin cache clean functionality is not working. 管理缓存清理功能是否有效。

Magento EE support does have a patch for this. Magento EE支持确实有一个补丁。 The patch number is 1498_EE_1.13.0.0_v1 补丁号是1498_EE_1.13.0.0_v1

The patch adds a public function in app/code/core/Enterprise/PageCache/Model/Observer.php 该补丁在app / code / core / Enterprise / PageCache / Model / Observer.php中添加了一个公共函数

public function flushCache()
    return $this;

And also changes an observer method in app/code/core/Enterprise/PageCache/etc/config.xml 并且还在app / code / core / Enterprise / PageCache / etc / config.xml中更改观察者方法

-                        <method>cleanCache</method>
+                        <method>flushCache</method>

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