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Nginx:重写以从$ uri中删除最后一条路径

[英]Nginx: Rewrite to remove last path from $uri

I'm moving all document from /docs/path/to/sub/*.pdf to their parent folder, /docs/path/to/*.pdf . 我将所有文档从/docs/path/to/sub/*.pdf移到其父文件夹/docs/path/to/*.pdf

How to redirect from old url: 如何从旧网址重定向:


to new url 到新网址


I'm using method below but not work: 我正在使用下面的方法,但不起作用:

location /docs/ {
  rewrite ^/docs/([a-zA-Z_]+)/([a-zA-Z_]+)/([a-zA-Z_]+)/([a-zA-Z_]+)\.(.*)$  /docs/$1/$2/$3/$5 permanent;

You're using permanent flag which means a redirect, the URL would probably return 404 after the redirect, try replacing permanent with last and see if it works. 您使用的是permanent标志,这表示重定向,URL在重定向后可能会返回404,请尝试用last替换permanent ,看看是否可行。

EDIT: 编辑:

I think your mistake is that you are matching the extension, so you are doing the counting wrong, you don't have enough capturing blocks. 我认为您的错误是您正在匹配扩展名,因此您在计算错误时没有足够的捕获块。 I'd like to do it in a more dynamic way though, not sure if this will work. 不过,我想以一种更动态的方式进行操作,不确定是否可行。

location ^~ /docs(.*)/([^/]+)/(.*) {
    try_files $uri @redirect;
location @redirect {
    return 301 $scheme$http_host/docs$1$3;

if not you can change your current rewrite, assuming you have 5 capturing blocks, 如果没有,您可以更改当前重写,假设您有5个捕获块,


last 2 are file+extension 最后2个是文件+扩展名

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