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[英]How to implement “load more posts” from homepage using jekyll?

My initial idea was.. This can be my homepage code (is it called liquid?).. 我最初的想法是..这可以是我的主页代码(它被称为液体吗?)..

{% for post in site.posts limit:4 %}

after which I thought of putting a "More Posts" button which links to page2 and does the same limit with offsetting the first 4.. Like this: 之后我想到了一个“更多帖子”按钮链接到page2并做了相同的限制,抵消了前4个..像这样:

{% for post in site.posts offset:4 limit:4 %}

From there "More Posts" button links to page3 with limit 4 and offset 8 and so on... 从那里“更多帖子”按钮链接到第3页,限制4和偏移8等等......

My Question is: 1> Is there a better way to do this in Jekyll? 我的问题是:1>在杰基尔有更好的方法吗? If not, 2> How many pages should I create? 如果没有,2>我应该创建多少页? 3> Can I create pages without duplicating the whole content just for 1 line change? 3>我可以创建页面而不重复整个内容只需1行更改吗? 4> Can I setup pages to Auto-create when posts increase? 4>当帖子增加时,我可以将页面设置为自动创建吗? How? 怎么样?

Why not use Jekyll's own pagination feature? 为什么不使用Jekyll自己的分页功能?

Simply drop in these two lines in the _config.yml file. 只需将这两行放在_config.yml文件中即可。

paginate:    4
paginate_path: "page:num"

The paginate_path allows you to specify the page you want to paginate. paginate_path允许您指定要分页的页面。 So if you have a page called blog which contains all your articles, maybe you'd like to have it paginated. 因此,如果您有一个名为博客的页面,其中包含您的所有文章,那么您可能希望将其分页。 To do that, set paginate_path: "blog/page:num" . 为此,请设置paginate_path: "blog/page:num" For default home page pagination leave it as "page:num" . 对于默认主页分页,请将其保留为"page:num" I have written a specific piece of code to help with the pagination navigation. 我编写了一段特定的代码来帮助分页导航。 To set up pagination in a page as you've specified in the paginate_path , you've to specify something like this: 要像在paginate_path指定的那样在页面中设置paginate_path ,您需要指定以下内容:

{% for post in paginator.posts %} 
{{ post.title }}
{{ post.content | strip_html | truncatewords:40 }}
{% endfor %}

This will display the first paginated page. 这将显示第一个分页页面。 But you'll need a navigation bar, ie, <--newer posts...older posts--> button. 但是你需要一个导航栏,即< - 较新的帖子...较旧的帖子 - >按钮。 I have written a liquid expression to this specifically. 我特意写了一个流畅的表达方式。 So right after the previous code block, put these code for the pagination navigation. 因此,在上一个代码块之后,将这些代码放在分页导航中。

{% if paginator.total_pages != 1 %}  
    <div class="row text-center text-caps">
        <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2">
            <nav class="pagination" role="pagination">

<span class="page-number">Page {{ paginator.page }} of {{ paginator.total_pages }}</span>
{% if site.paginate_path != 'page:num'%}
{% assign paginate_url = site.paginate_path | remove:'/page:num' %}
{% if paginator.previous_page %}
  {% if paginator.previous_page == 1 %}
  <a class="newer-posts" href="{{ site.url }}/{{ paginate_url }}/" class="btn" title="Newer Posts">&larr; Newer Posts</a>
  {% else %}
 <a class="newer-posts" href="{{ site.url }}/{{ paginate_url }}/page{{ paginator.previous_page }}/" class="btn" title="Newer Posts">&larr; Newer Posts</a>
  {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if paginator.next_page %} 
<a class="older-posts" href="{{ site.url }}/{{ paginate_url }}/page{{ paginator.next_page }}/" class="btn" title="Older Posts">Older Posts &rarr;</a>
{% endif %} 
{% else %}
{% if paginator.previous_page %}
  {% if paginator.previous_page == 1 %}
  <a class="newer-posts" href="{{ site.url }}/" class="btn" title="Newer Posts">&larr; Newer Posts</a>
  {% else %}
 <a class="newer-posts" href="{{ site.url }}/page{{ paginator.previous_page }}/" class="btn" title="Newer Posts">&larr; Newer Posts</a>
  {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if paginator.next_page %} 
<a class="older-posts" href="{{ site.url }}/page{{ paginator.next_page }}/" class="btn" title="Older Posts">Older Posts &rarr;</a>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

This code will generate a navigation menu for paginated posts, which is intelligent and hides the buttons accordingly. 此代码将生成分页帖子的导航菜单,该菜单是智能的并相应地隐藏按钮。 For example, if you've 11 posts in total and you've opted for 4 pages in each paginated index, the first page will contain 4 posts, the second also 4 and the third 3. The first page needs to show only the Older posts --> link, the second page will show both <--Newer posts...Older posts--> links, the third will show only the <--Newer posts link. 例如,如果您总共有11个帖子并且您在每个分页索引中选择了4个页面,则第一个页面将包含4个帖子,第二个页面还包含4个帖子和第三个帖子。第一个页面只需显示Older posts -->帖子Older posts -->链接,第二页将显示<--Newer posts...Older posts-->链接,第三页将仅显示<--Newer posts链接。 But if your total posts is less than 4, this code will hide your pagination navigation until the post number becomes larger than 4. 但如果您的总帖子少于4,此代码将隐藏您的分页导航,直到帖子编号大于4。


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