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[英]PostgreSQL foreign key

how to detect if a column of a table is set by a foreign key, and get the name of the referenced table, in Postgres? 如何检测表的列是否由外键设置,并在Postgres中获取引用表的名称?

I need this Information for a java GUI. 我需要这个信息用于java GUI。 So SQL solution is the best way it could be solved, i really can't manage it. 所以SQL解决方案是可以解决的最佳方式,我真的无法管理它。

regards stefan 尊重斯特凡

example: 例:

create table SUREALTABLE(
    VNR varchar(5),
    tnumberone integer,
    tnumbertwo integer,
    foreign key (tnumberone ,tnumbertwo) references TESTTABLE(numberone,numbertwo),
    primary key (VNR)

create table TESTTABLE(
    numberone integer,
    numbertwo integer,
    primary key (numberone, numbertwo)

You can determine that with pg_catalog.pg_constraint and pg_catalog.pg_attribute (more info here ). 您可以使用pg_catalog.pg_constraintpg_catalog.pg_attribute此处有更多信息)来确定。

select a.confrelid::regclass,
from pg_constraint a
       join pg_attribute b
         on a.conrelid = b.attrelid
         and b.attnum = any (a.conkey)
where a.conrelid = '<tablename>'::regclass
  and a.contype = 'f'

You can filter that down using b.attname. 您可以使用b.attname对其进行过滤。

More concrete example: 更具体的例子:

select a.confrelid::regclass
from pg_constraint a
       join pg_attribute b
         on a.conrelid = b.attrelid
         and b.attnum = any (a.conkey)
where a.conrelid = 'SUREALTABLE'::regclass
  and a.contype = 'f'
  and b.attname = 'tnumberone'

This returns "testtable", indicating that the column "tnumberone" of the table "surealtable" has a foreign key reference to the table "testtable". 这将返回“testtable”,表示表“surealtable”的列“tnumberone”具有对表“testtable”的外键引用。

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