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如何使用 FormData 进行 AJAX 文件上传?

[英]How to use FormData for AJAX file upload?

This is my HTML which I'm generating dynamically using drag and drop functionality.这是我使用拖放功能动态生成的 HTML。

<form method="POST" id="contact" name="13" class="form-horizontal wpc_contact" novalidate="novalidate" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <div id="legend" class="">
        <legend class="">file demoe 1</legend>
        <div id="alert-message" class="alert hidden"></div>

    <div class="control-group">
        <!-- Text input-->
        <label class="control-label" for="input01">Text input</label>
        <div class="controls">
            <input type="text" placeholder="placeholder" class="input-xlarge" name="name">
            <p class="help-block" style="display:none;">text_input</p>
        <div class="control-group">  </div>
        <label class="control-label">File Button</label>

        <!-- File Upload --> 
        <div class="controls">
            <input class="input-file" id="fileInput" type="file" name="file">
    <div class="control-group">    

        <!-- Button --> 
        <div class="controls">
            <button class="btn btn-success">Button</button>

This is my JavaScript code:这是我的 JavaScript 代码:

        var formname = $('.wpc_contact').attr('name');
        var form = $('.wpc_contact').serialize();               
        var FormData = new FormData($(form)[1]);

            url : '<?php echo plugins_url(); ?>'+'/wpc-contact-form/resources/js/tinymce.php',
            data : {form:form,formname:formname,ipadd:ipadd,FormData:FormData},
            type : 'POST',
            processData: false,
            contentType: false,
            success : function(data){

For correct form data usage you need to do 2 steps.为了正确使用表单数据,您需要执行 2 个步骤。


You can give your whole form to FormData() for processing您可以将整个表单交给 FormData() 进行处理

var form = $('form')[0]; // You need to use standard javascript object here
var formData = new FormData(form);

or specify exact data for FormData()或为 FormData() 指定确切的数据

var formData = new FormData();
formData.append('section', 'general');
formData.append('action', 'previewImg');
// Attach file
formData.append('image', $('input[type=file]')[0].files[0]); 

Sending form发送表格

Ajax request with jquery will looks like this:使用 jquery 的 Ajax 请求将如下所示:

    url: 'Your url here',
    data: formData,
    type: 'POST',
    contentType: false, // NEEDED, DON'T OMIT THIS (requires jQuery 1.6+)
    processData: false, // NEEDED, DON'T OMIT THIS
    // ... Other options like success and etc

After this it will send ajax request like you submit regular form with enctype="multipart/form-data"在此之后,它将发送 ajax 请求,就像您使用enctype="multipart/form-data"提交常规表单一样

Update: This request cannot work without type:"POST" in options since all files must be sent via POST request.更新:如果没有type:"POST"选项,此请求将无法工作,因为所有文件都必须通过 POST 请求发送。

Note: contentType: false only available from jQuery 1.6 onwards注意: contentType: false仅从jQuery 1.6 开始可用

I can't add a comment above as I do not have enough reputation, but the above answer was nearly perfect for me, except I had to add我无法在上面添加评论,因为我没有足够的声誉,但上面的答案对我来说几乎是完美的,除了我不得不添加

type: "POST"类型:“POST”

to the .ajax call.到 .ajax 调用。 I was scratching my head for a few minutes trying to figure out what I had done wrong, that's all it needed and works a treat.我挠了几分钟,试图弄清楚我做错了什么,这就是它所需要的,而且效果很好。 So this is the whole snippet:所以这是整个片段:

Full credit to the answer above me, this is just a small tweak to that.完全归功于我上面的答案,这只是对此的一个小调整。 This is just in case anyone else gets stuck and can't see the obvious.这是以防万一其他人被卡住并且看不到明显的东西。

    url: 'Your url here',
    data: formData,
    type: "POST", //ADDED THIS LINE
    contentType: false,
    processData: false,
    // ... Other options like success and etc
<form id="upload_form" enctype="multipart/form-data">

jQuery with CodeIgniter file upload: jQuery 与 CodeIgniter 文件上传:

var formData = new FormData($('#upload_form')[0]);

formData.append('tax_file', $('input[type=file]')[0].files[0]);

    type: "POST",
    url: base_url + "member/upload/",
    data: formData,
    //use contentType, processData for sure.
    contentType: false,
    processData: false,
    beforeSend: function() {
        $('.modal .ajax_data').prepend('<img src="' +
            base_url +
            '"asset/images/ajax-loader.gif" />');
        //$(".modal .ajax_data").html("<pre>Hold on...</pre>");
    success: function(msg) {
        $(".modal .ajax_data").html("<pre>" + msg +
    error: function() {
        $(".modal .ajax_data").html(
            "<pre>Sorry! Couldn't process your request.</pre>"
        ); // 

you can use.您可以使用。

var form = $('form')[0]; 
var formData = new FormData(form);     
formData.append('tax_file', $('input[type=file]')[0].files[0]);


var formData = new FormData($('#upload_form')[0]);
formData.append('tax_file', $('input[type=file]')[0].files[0]); 

Both will work.两者都会起作用。

$(document).ready(function () {
    $(".submit_btn").click(function (event) {
        var form = $('#fileUploadForm')[0];
        var data = new FormData(form);
        data.append("CustomField", "This is some extra data, testing");
        $("#btnSubmit").prop("disabled", true);
            type: "POST",
            enctype: 'multipart/form-data',
            url: "upload.php",
            data: data,
            processData: false,
            contentType: false,
            cache: false,
            timeout: 600000,
            success: function (data) {
$('#form-withdraw').submit(function(event) {

    //prevent the form from submitting by default

    var formData = new FormData($(this)[0]);

        url: 'function/ajax/topup.php',
        type: 'POST',
        data: formData,
        async: false,
        cache: false,
        contentType: false,
        processData: false,
        success: function (returndata) {
          if(returndata == 'success')
              title: "Great",
              text: "Your Form has Been Transfer, We will comfirm the amount you reload in 3 hours",
              type: "success",
              showCancelButton: false,
              confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55",
              confirmButtonText: "OK",
              closeOnConfirm: false
              window.location.href = '/transaction.php';

          else if(returndata == 'Offline')
              sweetAlert("Offline", "Please use other payment method", "error");


实际上文档显示您可以使用XMLHttpRequest().send()来简单地发送多格式数据,以防 jquery 很烂

Better to use the native javascript to find the element by id like: document.getElementById("yourFormElementID") .最好使用本机 javascript 通过 id 查找元素,例如: document.getElementById("yourFormElementID")

$.ajax( {
      url: "http://yourlocationtopost/",
      type: 'POST',
      data: new FormData(document.getElementById("yourFormElementID")),
      processData: false,
      contentType: false
    } ).done(function(d) {
<label class="btn btn-info btn-file">
Import <input type="file" style="display: none;">
$(document).ready(function () {
                $(document).on('change', ':file', function () {
                    var fileUpload = $(this).get(0);
                    var files = fileUpload.files;
                    var bid = 0;
                    if (files.length != 0) {
                        var data = new FormData();
                        for (var i = 0; i < files.length ; i++) {
                            data.append(files[i].name, files[i]);
                            xhr: function () {
                                var xhr = $.ajaxSettings.xhr();
                                xhr.upload.onprogress = function (e) {
                                    console.log(Math.floor(e.loaded / e.total * 100) + '%');
                                return xhr;
                            contentType: false,
                            processData: false,
                            type: 'POST',
                            data: data,
                            url: '/ControllerX/' + bid,
                            success: function (response) {
                                location.href = 'xxx/Index/';
        public ActionResult ControllerX(string id)
            var files = Request.Form.Files;

Good morning.早上好。

I was have the same problem with upload of multiple images.我在上传多张图片时遇到了同样的问题。 Solution was more simple than I had imagined: include [] in the name field.解决方案比我想象的要简单:在名称字段中包含 []。

<input type="file" name="files[]" multiple>

I did not make any modification on FormData.我没有对 FormData 做任何修改。

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