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如何将代码从Java 1.3升级到1.5

[英]How to upgrade a code from java 1.3 to 1.5

I am a trainer and my project is to upgrade a transcompiler from Java 1.3 to 1.5, I am a beginner in Java and I want to khnow if there is a tool that will help me, I took the first step by reading the new features of 1.4 and 1.5 then we decided that I have to add this features : Generics - Metadata - Autoboxing - Enumerations - Var args - Enhanced for each loop. 我是一名培训师,我的项目是将Transcompiler从Java 1.3升级到1.5,我是Java的初学者,我想知道是否有可以帮助我的工具,因此我首先阅读了以下内容的新功能1.4和1.5,然后我们决定必须添加此功能:泛型-元数据-自动装箱-枚举-变量args-每个循环的增强功能。 So if you can tell me what is the next step and if there is a tool that upgrade the code to a recent version ? 因此,如果您可以告诉我下一步是什么,是否有工具可以将代码升级到最新版本? thank you 谢谢

Just try to compile and then test the code, fix anything that doesn't work. 只需尝试编译然后测试代码,修复所有无效的内容。

You don't have to use the new features just because they are there. 不必使用这些新功能,只是因为它们的存在。

Why upgrade to 5 though? 为什么要升级到5? You should go to 7 really if going through the pain of doing an upgrade as the extra pain will be very small and you will be up to date for longer. 如果经历升级的痛苦,那么您确实应该达到7,因为额外的痛苦会很小,并且您将拥有更长的更新时间。

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