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[英]AngularJS filter single property of object without ng-repeat

I need some help with AngularJS filters.. (Angularjs 1.2.7) 我需要有关AngularJS过滤器的帮助。..(Angularjs 1.2.7)

This is my problem: 这是我的问题:

I have a class User like this. 我有一个这样的班级用户。

Public Class User
    Public Property UserID As Integer
    Public Property EMail As String
    Public Property Password As String
    Public Property Firstname As String
    Public Property Lastname As String
    Public Property Creator As Integer
    Public Property LastEditedBy As Integer
    Public Property Company As Company
End Class

and a Company Class like this: 和这样的公司类别:

Public Class Company
    Public Property CompanyID As Integer
    Public Property Name As String
    Public Property RegistrationDate As String
    Public Property Creator As Integer
    Public Property LastEditDate As String
    Public Property LastEditedBy As Integer
    Public Property Users As List(Of User)
    Public Property Companytype As Companytype
    Public Property PriceLists As List(Of CompanyPriceList)
End Class

Well, now concentrate on the 2 Property (Creator and LastEditedBy) in my Company or User Class. 好吧,现在集中讨论我公司或用户类别中的2个属性(Creator和LastEditedBy)。 I want to get the Firstname and Lastname of the company's creator and editor in my single company view. 我想在单个公司视图中获得公司创建者和编辑者的名字和姓氏。

With this: 有了这个:

companyManagement.getCompany = function (companyId) {
    var cmp = $filter('getCmpById')(companyId);
    return cmp;

I get the whole company with those two integers as an object.. Now in my GUI i want to show the first- and lastname of the user belonging to this id. 我得到了整个公司,并用这两个整数作为对象。现在,在我的GUI中,我想显示属于此ID的用户的名字和姓氏。

app.filter('getUsrById', function (userManagement) {
var users = userManagement.getUsers();
return function (list) {
    var i = 0, len = users.length;
    for (; i < len; i++) {
        //convert both ids to numbers to be sure
        if (+users[i].UserID == +list) {
            return users[i];
    return "not found";

}); });

With this filter I get the whole user object belonging to the id. 使用此过滤器,我得到了属于id的整个用户对象。 Now is there any way, I can show just those two properties of a user? 现在有什么方法可以显示用户的两个属性吗? Anything like this... 像这样

 <span data-ng-model="creatorFirstname">{{ user.firstname | getUsrById:{userId:singleCompany.Creator} }}</span>
 <span data-ng-model="creatorLastname">{{ user.lastname | getUsrById:{userId:singleCompany.Creator} }}</span>
 <span data-ng-model="editorFirstname">{{ user.firstname | getUsrById:{userId:singleCompany.LastEditedBy} }}</span>
 <span data-ng-model="editorLastname">{{ user.lastname | getUsrById:{userId:singleCompany.LastEditedBy} }}</span>

I didn't want to declare the Properties As User, because I have them in both classes and I want a bit of consistence. 我不想将Properties声明为User,因为我在两个类中都拥有它们,并且我希望保持一致性。 Not in User -> As Integer And in Company -> As User So I can just ignore them and send the old data back to the server, because the LastEditedBy property is always overwritten by it and the Creator property always stays the same. 不在User-> Integer和Company-> As User中,所以我可以忽略它们并将旧数据发送回服务器,因为LastEditedBy属性始终被它覆盖,而Creator属性始终保持不变。

Thanks for your help! 谢谢你的帮助!

Not sure that a filter is the right mechanism to do what you want here. 不确定筛选器是否是执行此处所需操作的正确机制。 I think the most natural way to code this would be to have a company , lastEditedBy and creator properties on your scope and to work out which users are the ones that your interested in and add them to your company model. 我认为,最自然的编码方式是在您的范围内具有companylastEditedBycreator属性,并确定哪些用户是您感兴趣的用户并将其添加到您的公司模型中。

When your company is retrieved add a couple of lines to your success handler (here using underscore js to get the user 检索公司后,在成功处理程序中添加几行(此处使用下划线js来获取用户

$scope.lastEditedBy = _.findWhere( $company.users, { UserID : $company.LastEditedBy } );
$scope.creator = _.findWhere( $company.users, { UserID : $company.Creator } );

Then you just need to reference whatever property you need from lastEditedBy and creator : 然后,您只需要引用lastEditedBycreator所需的任何属性:


You actually can do this with $filter you just return the single value and grab sub zero like so... and in fact you could make your own findWhere filter: 实际上,您可以使用$ filter做到这一点,只需返回单个值并像这样抓取零即可...实际上,您可以创建自己的findWhere过滤器:

    return function(collection,search) {
        var refined = $filter('filter')(collection,search);
        return refined[0];

$filter('findWhere')($scope.users,{ UserID : $company.LastEditedBy });

or even better yet and i've tested this and it works 甚至更好,我已经测试过了

angular.findWhere = function(collection,search) {
    var $filter = angular.element(document).injector().get("$filter"),
        refined = $filter('filter')(collection,search);
    return refined[0];

obviously you'll need to replace "angular.element(document)" with whatever node your app is booted on and I've done it this way because i placed this function outside of the run function but if it were inside of the run function you would just inject the $injector service and then change "angular.element(document).injector()" to "$injector.get("$filter")" or even just inject $filter to the run function. 显然,您需要用启动应用程序的任何节点替换“ angular.element(document)”,而我这样做是因为我将此函数放置在run函数之外,但是如果将其放置在run函数中您只需注入$ injector服务,然后将“ angular.element(document).injector()”更改为“ $ injector.get(” $ filter“)”,甚至只是将$ filter注入运行函数即可。

I know this question is too old to answer, but may be it will help other. 我知道这个问题太老了,无法回答,但可能会对其他人有所帮助。

<span ng-bind="(users | filter : {UserID : singleCompany.Creator } : true)[0].firstname"></span>
<span ng-bind="(users | filter : {UserID : singleCompany.Creator } : true)[0].lastname"></span>
<span ng-bind="(users | filter : {UserID : singleCompany.LastEditedBy } : true)[0].firstname"></span>
<span ng-bind="(users | filter : {UserID : singleCompany.LastEditedBy } : true)[0].lastname"></span>

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