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如何使用jQuery在contenteditable div中移动carret?

[英]How to move the carret in a contenteditable div using jQuery?

I am trying to position the caret in a contenteditable div. 我正在尝试将插入符号放置在一个内容可编辑的div中。 The div does not have setSelectionRange or createTextRange. div没有setSelectionRange或createTextRange。 (I am using Chrome at the moment.) (我目前正在使用Chrome。)

So I tested if I could send keypress events instead: 所以我测试了是否可以发送按键事件:

var e = jQuery.Event("keypress", { keyCode : 39} );

It does not work. 这是行不通的。 The event does not show up in the handler on myDiv. 该事件不会显示在myDiv的处理程序中。 <= Wrong. <=错误。 It does show up in the listener, but the caret is not moved. 它确实显示在侦听器中,但插入符未移动。 (keyCode=39 is right arrow.) (keyCode = 39是右箭头。)

Any suggestions? 有什么建议么?

The event should show up when you bind the handler before you trigger it: 绑定处理程序之前,应触发该事件:

    $(function() {
        $('#foobar').keypress(function(event) {

        var e = $.Event("keypress", { which : 39} );

this logs 39 in the console right when you visit the page. 当您访问该页面时, 39在控制台中记录39

working fiddle 工作小提琴

Due to the edit of the question, which is totally different to what you first asked, check this out: 由于问题的编辑与您最初提出的完全不同,请检查以下内容:

How to move cursor to end of contenteditable entity 如何将光标移动到内容可编辑实体的末尾

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