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在CentOS 6.5 32位上安装32位Java JDK

[英]install 32bit Java JDK on CentOS 6.5 32bit

I am trying to wget to install 32bit JDK on 32bit CentOS 6.5. 我试图wget在32位CentOS 6.5上安装32位JDK。 CentOS is running on a vmware player VM inside Windows. CentOS在Windows内的vmware player VM上运行。 Next step is to set the System Environment Variables. 下一步是设置系统环境变量。 I am building a small Hadoop cluster on CentOS VMs for testing purposes. 我正在CentOS VM上构建一个小型Hadoop集群,以进行测试。

When I type wget http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/6u25-b06/jdk-6u25-linux-i586-rpm.bin into my CentOS 6.5 Terminal, I get the following error: 当我在CentOS 6.5终端机中输入wget http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/6u25-b06/jdk-6u25-linux-i586-rpm.bin ,出现以下错误:

ERROR: certificate common name “www.oracle.com” doesn’t match requested host name “edelivery.oracle.com”.
To connect to edelivery.oracle.com insecurely, use ‘--no-check-certificate’.

How do I install JDK via CentOS Terminal? 如何通过CentOS终端安装JDK? Thanks. 谢谢。

Oracle requires authentication to download archived versions of Java 6 at this time, you cannot download them directly with wget as a result. Oracle要求身份验证才能下载Java 6的归档版本,因此,您不能直接使用wget下载它们。 Please use a web browser to download the package. 请使用网络浏览器下载软件包。

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