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[英]PhpStorm: How to change project's subversion instance?

I'm using the PhpStorm IDE to write a PHP project. 我正在使用PhpStorm IDE编写一个PHP项目。 I've connected to a free tier Amazon AWS instance where I installed subversion, created a repository, synced up my PhpStorm project to it, then deleted the repository (due to some issues I was having and hoping for a clean slate). 我已连接到免费的Amazon AWS实例,在该实例中安装了Subversion,创建了一个存储库,将我的PhpStorm项目同步到该实例,然后删除了该存储库(由于我遇到了一些问题,并希望获得一个干净的状态)。

I'd like to be able to commit my project to the new SVN repository (which I successfully imported the existing code into), but I simply cannot find a way, in PhpStorm, to change the subversion instance tied to my project to the new repository. 我希望能够将项目提交到新的SVN存储库(我已将其成功导入到现有的代码中),但是我根本找不到在PhpStorm中将与我的项目关联的Subversion实例更改为新方法的方法。库。 Currently, when I try to commit, I get the "repository UUIDs do not match" error message. 当前,当我尝试提交时,出现“存储库UUID不匹配”的错误消息。 Attempting a "relocate working copy" gives me the similar message about UUIDs. 尝试“重定位工作副本”会给我关于UUID的类似信息。

So my question is: how do I change my current project to commit to a NEW subversion repository? 所以我的问题是: 如何更改当前项目以提交到新的Subversion存储库?

I've reached out to the PhpStorm support staff as well, but thus far they have done nothing but run me in circles, which brings me here instead. 我也已经联系了PhpStorm支持人员,但是到目前为止,他们除了绕圈跑我什么都没做,这使我来到了这里。


I also ran into a similar problem. 我也遇到了类似的问题。 Cleaning up the project solved it for me. 清理项目对我来说解决了。 Follow the following steps and it will solve out the problem for you: 请按照以下步骤操作,它将为您解决问题:

Step 1: Make a copy of your code, excluding the .idea and .svn (hidden) folders. 步骤1:复制代码,但不包括.idea和.svn(隐藏)文件夹。
Step 2: Close your IDE 步骤2:关闭您的IDE
Step 3: Delete the project folder along with .idea and .svn folders. 步骤3:删除项目文件夹以及.idea和.svn文件夹。
Step 4: Make a new fresh project folder, copy back the source code into your project folder 步骤4:新建一个新的项目文件夹,将源代码复制回您的项目文件夹中
Step 5: Start your IDE and select Open and then select the new project folder 步骤5:启动IDE,然后选择Open(打开),然后选择新的项目文件夹
Step 6: Now share your project on the new repository location and then you can start working again. 步骤6:现在在新的存储库位置上共享您的项目,然后您可以再次开始工作。

Hope it helps! 希望能帮助到你!

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