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[英]Virtual Host for wamp server running in port 85

We have dedicated windows server where IIS running in :80 and Wamp running in :85. 我们有专用的Windows服务器,其中IIS以:80运行,而Wamp以:85运行。 I successfully created a Virtual Host for wamp server which is running in :85. 我为运行在:85中的wamp服务器成功创建了虚拟主机。

NameVirtualHost *:85

<VirtualHost *:85>
ServerName www.my.tv
ServerAlias my.tv
DocumentRoot C:/wamp/www/alpha
ErrorLog "C:/wamp/www/alpha/logs/error.log"
CustomLog "C:/wamp/www/alpha/logs/access.log" common

yes the above code is working & site is running only when i hit www.my.tv:85 but not in www.my.tv 是的,上面的代码正常工作,并且只有在我www.my.tv:85时网站才运行,而在www.my.tvwww.my.tv

can someone advice on the above where i could configure to make the site run at www.my.tv 有人可以在上面建议我在哪里进行配置以使该网站在www.my.tv上运行

If you configure Apache to serve your site on port 85 then the browser (which will default to port 80) won't find it unless you give it the port number it needs. 如果将Apache配置为在端口85上为站点提供服务,则浏览器(默认为端口80)将无法找到它,除非您为其提供所需的端口号。

If you need to see the site on port 80 then you need to configure it on that port. 如果需要在端口80上查看站点,则需要在该端口上对其进行配置。 Since you have another server running on that port it's not an option. 由于您在该端口上运行着另一台服务器,因此这不是一个选择。

One possibility is that you create a virtual site on your IIS server for www.my.tv , but have it redirect to the site on port 85. You can do this in the properties box, on the Home Directory tab. 一种可能是,您在IIS服务器上为www.my.tv创建了一个虚拟站点,但是将其重定向到端口85上的站点。您可以在“ 主目录”选项卡上的属性框中执行此操作。

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