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[英]Dependent fields in Django

I'm in the process of designing models for a Django app and I can't quite work out how to approach a problem. 我正在为Django应用程序设计模型,但我还不太想办法解决问题。

I have 3 models. 我有3个模型。 Server , Module , and Device . ServerModuleDevice

Server is a server that a module could run on. Server是可以在其上运行模块的服务器。 Module runs on a server, and contains devices. Module在服务器上运行,并包含设备。

The problem with Devices is that the name is always a field, but the attributes could change. Devices的问题在于名称始终是一个字段,但是属性可能会更改。

I considered just putting a JSON value in attributes but I couldn't figure out how to do that with Django admin. 我考虑只是在属性中放置一个JSON值,但我不知道如何使用Django admin来做到这一点。

Basically the user will enter a name for the device and depending on which module it is attached to, show various different fields to fill in. 基本上,用户将输入设备的名称,并取决于设备所连接的模块,并显示要填写的各种不同字段。

For example: 例如:

module rfm_ninjablock:
Device fields would be "name" and "code"

module LimitlessLED
Device fields would be "name", "controller", "group" and "LightID"

Is there a straightforward way to do it or am I going about it the wrong way? 有没有简单的方法可以做到这一点,还是我做错了方法?

One way to do this is to make a fourth model: DeviceAttribute . 一种实现方法是建立第四个模型: DeviceAttribute

  • Each Device has a name and has zero or more DeviceAttribute s. 每个设备都有一个名称,并且具有零个或多个DeviceAttribute

  • A DeviceAttribute has two fields: key and value . DeviceAttribute具有两个字段: keyvalue

Alternatively, you could use the JSON you suggested, but you wouldn't be able to query on it or update it as easily. 另外,您可以使用建议的JSON,但无法对其进行查询或更新。 It's a bit of an anti-pattern. 这有点反模式。

UPDATE: If you have several "classes" of Device s, then rather than having arbitrary attributes, you can achieve type-safety by subclassing your models. 更新:如果您有Device的多个“类”,则可以通过子类化模型来实现类型安全,而不是具有任意属性。

There are several ways to do this. 几种方法可以做到这一点。 I have often used the multi-table approach. 我经常使用多表方法。

It creates a OneToOneField between DeviceSubclassA and Device , and between DeviceSubclassB and Device . 它创建了一个OneToOneField之间DeviceSubclassADevice之间,以及DeviceSubclassBDevice

You can add certain fields to DeviceSubclassA , and different fields to DeviceSubclassB . 您可以将某些字段添加到DeviceSubclassA ,并将不同的字段添加到DeviceSubclassB The common name attribute is on the Device parent model. 公用name属性在Device父模型上。

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