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[英]I'm not understanding what's going on in this javascript object

I'm working on some of codeschool's javascript exercises and this part has me baffled. 我正在进行一些代码学校的javascript练习,而这部分让我感到困惑。 In the function dontPanic, I'm not understanding what's going on at the end of this statement 在函数dontPanic中,我不明白该语句末尾发生的情况


Basically, the part where it says station-1 . 基本上是说station-1 I'm not sure why it's subtracting 1 from the station object. 我不确定为什么要从桩号对象中减去1。 I also don't understand the [0] after station-1. 我也看不懂站1之后的[0]。 Which object or array is [0] referring to? [0]指的是哪个对象或数组?

My guess was the [0] after station-1. 我的猜测是第1站之后的[0]。 is the assigned number for station but I really need some clarification. 是分配给电台的号码,但我确实需要澄清一下。 I don't want to continue on with this lesson without understanding this. 我不想在不理解这一点的情况下继续学习本课程。 I put a comment above the line I need help understanding. 我在需要帮助理解的这一行上方添加了评论。

var superBlinders = [ ["Firestorm", 4000], ["Solar Death Ray", 6000], ["Supernova",            12000] ];
var lighthouseRock = {
  gateClosed: true,
  weaponBulbs: superBlinders,
  capacity: 30,
  secretPassageTo: "Underwater Outpost",
  numRangers: 3,
  ranger1: {name: "Nick Walsh", skillz: "magnification burn", station: 2},
  ranger2: {name: "Drew Barontini", skillz: "uppercut launch", station: 3},
  ranger3: {name: "Christine Wong", skillz: "bomb defusing", station: 1}
function dontPanic (location){
  var list = "";
  for(var i = 1; i<=location.numRangers; i++){
//this is what I don't understand    
list = list + location["ranger" + i].name + ", man the " +
       location.weaponBulbs[location["ranger"+i].station-1][0] + 
  alert("Avast, me hearties!\n" + 
    "There be Pirates nearby! Stations!\n" + list);

Because arrays a 0-indexed, and location["ranger"+i].station is likely 1-indexed. 因为数组的索引为0,而location["ranger"+i].station的索引为1。 location.weaponBulbs is an array, so location.weaponBulbs[1] actually represents the second element in the array, and similarly location.weaponBulbs[10] accesses the eleventh element. location.weaponBulbs location.weaponBulbs[1]实际上是数组中的第二个元素,而location.weaponBulbs[10]同样访问第11个元素。

By subtracting one from the integer location['ranger'+i].station , it will correctly access the relevant array value. 通过从整数location['ranger'+i].station减去1,它将正确访问相关的数组值。

location.weaponBulbs appears to be a two-dimensional array. location.weaponBulbs似乎是一个二维数组。

location["ranger"+i].station-1 yields an integer, so the end result is location["ranger"+i].station-1产生一个整数,因此最终结果是

location.weaponBulbs[n][0] , where n is the value of location["ranger"+i].station-1 location.weaponBulbs[n][0] ,其中nlocation["ranger"+i].station-1

It is selecting weapons from the superBlinders array. 它正在从superBlinders阵列中选择武器。

Since the ranger numbers start from 1 up to 3, and the index of the array starts from 0 up to 2, you need to subtract 1 from the ranger numbers in order to directly map them to the weapons. 由于护林员编号从1到3开始,并且数组的索引从0到2开始,您需要从护林员编号中减去1才能直接将它们映射到武器。

  1. "ranger"+i results in a string. "ranger"+i产生一个字符串。
  2. location.weaponBulbs is an array here - so possibly location looks like this... location.weaponBulbs是一个数组-因此,位置可能看起来像这样...

     var location = { "weaponBulbs":superBlinders, /* this is an array again */ ranger1: {name: "Nick Walsh", skillz: "magnification burn", station: 2}, ranger2: {name: "Drew Barontini", skillz: "uppercut launch", station: 3}, ranger3: {name: "Christine Wong", skillz: "bomb defusing", station: 1} ... } 
  3. location["ranger"+i].station would become an int in this location["ranger"+i].station在此将成为一个int

  4. Finally for each station , it is lighting up a random weaponBulb intensity... 最后,对于每个station ,它都会点亮随机的weaponBulb强度...

Whow I learned how to write a rock in javascript !! 谁我学会了如何用Javascript写石头!

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