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[英]Erlang process gets stuck

Im working on erlang for the first time. 我是第一次使用erlang。 everytime i try to run the erlang process it gets stuck and does not take input. 每次我尝试运行erlang进程时,它都会卡住,并且不会接受输入。 Im using erlide plugin in eclipse to test the erlang code. 我在eclipse中使用erlide插件来测试erlang代码。

CODE IS:: 代码是::


%% ====================================================================
%% API functions
%% ====================================================================

%% ====================================================================
%% Internal functions
%% ====================================================================
start() ->
    spawn(message_router, route_messages, []).

stop(RouterPid) ->
    RouterPid ! shutdown.

send_chat_message(RouterPid, Addressee, MessageBody) ->
    io:format("send_chat_msg FROM:: ~p TO:: ~p ~n", [RouterPid, Addressee]),
    RouterPid ! {send_chat_msg, Addressee, MessageBody}.

route_messages() ->

    {send_chat_msg, Addressee, MessageBody} ->
        io:format("recv_chat_msg PID:: ~p ~n", [Addressee]),
        Addressee ! {recv_chat_msg, MessageBody},

    {recv_chat_msg, MessageBody} ->
        io:format("Received: ~p~n", [MessageBody]);

    shutdown ->
        io:format("Shutting down ~n");

    Oops ->
        io:format("Warning! Received: ~p~n", [Oops]),

When i hit try to run the code like in the shell 当我点击尝试在外壳中运行代码

Eshell V5.10.4
(nodename@pa)1> P1 = message_router:start().
(nodename@pa)2> P2 = message_router:start().
(nodename@pa)3> chat_client:send_message(P1, P2, "FIRST Msg").
Sending chat message from chat_client
send_chat_msg FROM:: <0.1308.0> TO:: <0.1373.0> 

Every thing i enter in the shell after this has on effect. 此后,我进入外壳的所有内容均生效。 Also could anyone explain how loops are handled in erlang and best practices. 任何人也可以解释如何使用erlang和最佳实践来处理循环。

[edit] [编辑]

chat client code: 聊天客户端代码:

send_message(RouterPid, Addressee, MessageBody) ->
    io:format("Sending chat message from chat_client~n"),
    message_router:send_chat_message(RouterPid, Addressee, MessageBody).

Problem in module. 模块中的问题。 Call this message_router:send_chat_message(P1, P2, "FIRST Msg") 将此message_router:send_chat_message(P1, P2, "FIRST Msg")
Look at this example and compare with his: 看这个例子,并与他比较:

Have module call observer it registers two process loop/0 and trans/0 有模块调用observer它注册两个过程loop/0trans/0

-export([observer/0, loop/0, trans/0]).

observer() ->
  register(loop, spawn(fun observer:loop/0)),
  register(trans, spawn(fun observer:trans/0)).

loop() ->
    {'PRINT', Msg} -> 
      io:format("print from ~p~n~p~n", [self(), Msg]), loop();
    {'EXIT', _FromPid} -> 
      io:format("Exit ~nFrom ~p", [_FromPid]), exit(self(), kill)

trans() ->
    {Command, Msg} -> io:format("transports from: ~p~n~p~n", [self(), Msg]),
                      loop ! {Command, Msg}

and have module send_messenger one function send_message that sends messages through trans : 并具有send_messenger模块一个功能send_message ,该函数通过trans发送消息:


send_message({Command, Msg}) ->
  trans ! {Command, Msg},

I hope this has helped you! 希望对您有所帮助!

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