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[英]What is the purpose of the IsWrapped property in WCF

What is the purpose of the "IsWrapped" property in WCF. WCF中“ IsWrapped”属性的用途是什么。 In which situation should I use this property and why? 在哪种情况下我应该使用此属性,为什么?

Unwrapped Messages (MSDN) : 未包装的邮件(MSDN)

By default, the message body is formatted such that the parameters to a service operation are wrapped. 默认情况下,邮件正文的格式设置为,用于包装服务操作的参数。


MessageContractAttribute.IsWrapped Property (MSDN) : MessageContractAttribute.IsWrapped属性(MSDN)

Set the value of IsWrapped to false to suppress the wrapper element into which the message body is serialized. 将IsWrapped的值设置为false可以禁止将消息正文序列化到的wrapper元素。

So, consider this (trimmed) message: 因此,请考虑以下(修剪过的)消息:


When you set IsWrapped to false , the message body won't be wrapped in an element with the action name ( Add in this case): 当您将IsWrapped设置为false ,消息正文将不会被包装在具有动作名称的元素中(在这种情况下为Add ):


Properties like these are meant for interoperability, for example when writing a client to consume a service which doesn't expect messages to be wrapped. 诸如此类的属性旨在实现互操作性,例如,在编写客户端以使用希望消息被包装的服务时。

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