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将 MVC5 的 RoutePrefix 与区域一起使用

[英]Using MVC5's RoutePrefix with areas

I currently have a controller which is located at /account/signin.我目前有一个位于 /account/signin 的控制器。 How can I use MVC5's RoutePrefix to make it addressable at /account/sign-in?如何使用 MVC5 的 RoutePrefix 使其在 /account/sign-in 处可寻址?

I've tried decorating my controller:我试过装饰我的控制器:

public class SignInController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        return View();

and mapping my routes in RegisterRoutes :并在RegisterRoutes中映射我的路线:


but I get this exception when doing so:但是这样做时我得到了这个异常:

The controller for path '/account/sign-in' was not found or does not implement IController找不到路径“/account/sign-in”的控制器或未实现 IController

I deleted my default routing file ( AccountAreaRegistration.cs ) and it's now working.我删除了我的默认路由文件 ( AccountAreaRegistration.cs ),它现在可以工作了。 I didn't realise you can't use both!我没有意识到你不能同时使用!

You can also add:您还可以添加:


to the RegisterArea method in your AccountAreaRegistration class, and then use something like:AccountAreaRegistration类中的RegisterArea方法,然后使用类似:


At the top of your controller, use attribute routing for one or more controllers in your area and leave the rest using the default you set up;在控制器的顶部,为您所在区域的一个或多个控制器使用属性路由,其余的使用您设置的默认值; eg,例如,

    public override void RegisterArea(AreaRegistrationContext context)

            name: "Admin",
            url: "Admin/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
            defaults: new { area = "Admin", controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

Then you have both.那么你两者都有。

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