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[英]Assigning numbers to items in a loop — SAS

Each ID number has several items associated with it. 每个ID号都有几个与之关联的项目。 For every item under each ID, I want to assign a number to it. 对于每个ID下的每个项目,我想为其分配一个数字。 I would like the number to start at 1 for each ID. 我希望每个ID的数字都从1开始。 How would I do this in SAS? 我将如何在SAS中执行此操作? I'm guessing I can use a type of loop statement. 我猜我可以使用一种循环语句。 Below is an example of my goal. 以下是我目标的一个示例。 Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。

EDIT: I have to add another layer to this problem. 编辑:我必须向此问题添加另一层。 If the ID has item = SPECIAL, I want that record to always be assigned 1 and have the other items follow it. 如果ID的项= SPECIAL,则我希望该记录始终被分配为1,并让其他项紧随其后。

|ID  |Item      |Assignment|
|A001|SPECIAL   |1         |
|A001|Orange    |2         |
|A001|Pineapple |3         |
|A002|Banana    |1         |
|A002|Strawberry|2         |
|A002|Pear      |3         |
|A002|Watermelon|4         |
|A003|SPECIAL   |1         |
|A003|Banana    |2         |
|A003|Apple     |3         |

The easiest way to do it - with BY statement and automatic variables FIRST and LAST. 最简单的方法-使用BY语句以及自动变量FIRST和LAST。 Original dataset should be sorted by ID before. 原始数据集之前应按ID排序。

data have;
    input ID $ Item $;

A001 Orange
A001 Pineapple
A002 Banana
A002 Strawberry
A002 Pear
A002 Watermelon 
A003 Banana
A003 Apple

data want;
    set have;
    by ID;
    if FIRST.ID then Assignment=1;
    else Assignment+1;

Regarding your additional layer: just add one more condition to the IF-statement: 关于您的附加层:只需在IF语句中再添加一个条件:

 `if FIRST.ID or item='SPECIAL' then Assignment=1;`

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