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[英]Scroll Website - I want my navigation div change color when scroll pass a section

I am not using any frameworks. 我没有使用任何框架。 How can I make my navigation div change color each time I scroll through a section on my page? 每次滚动页面上的某个部分时,如何使导航div更改颜色?

This is my web page: http://www.noteid.com/scl 这是我的网页: http : //www.noteid.com/scl

As you can see there is a nav on the left and position: fixed; 如您所见,左侧有导航栏, position: fixed; . How can I do this in Javascript? 如何使用Javascript执行此操作?

It you need to use the scroll event. 您需要使用滚动事件。

window.onscroll = function() {
    var element = document.getElementById('testDiv');
    if (window.pageYOffset > 400 && window.pageYOffset < 800) 
        element.style.backgroundColor = 'blue';

This uses the pageYOffset property to set the background property. 这使用pageYOffset属性设置background属性。

http://jsfiddle.net/N82fS/9/ http://jsfiddle.net/N82fS/9/

I would use Bootstrap's ScrollSpy to do things like this. 我会用Bootstrap的ScrollSpy来做这样的事情。

http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#scrollspy http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#scrollspy

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