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[英]Fetch specific columns from cursor into variables in db2 stored procedure

I have written a stored procedure where a cursor holds the results of a select that returns approx 20 columns. 我编写了一个存储过程,其中光标保存返回约20列的select结果。

I need to perform additional processing which only needs to look at the values in 3 of the columns so I am looking to fetch only those 3 columns into 3 variables instead of all 20, but I can't seem to get the syntax correct. 我需要执行其他处理,该处理仅需要查看3列中的值,因此我希望仅将3列中的值提取到3个变量中,而不是全部20个中,但是我似乎无法获得正确的语法。

Eg 例如

FETCH cursor1.field1, cursor1.field2, cursor1.field3 INTO variable1, variable2, variable3

Thanks for any help 谢谢你的帮助

fetch next from cursor into @a1,@a2,@a3

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