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[英]Passing javascript variable to php without refreshing the page

I have a 5x5 grid of div boxes (25 of them) and I am using jQuery UI to register when I drop a item in it. 我有一个5x5的div框网格(其中有25个),当我在其中放置项目时,我正在使用jQuery UI进行注册。 It will receive the title of the box it was dropped in and the name of the item, that part works. 它将收到它放入的盒子的标题和该部分起作用的物品的名称。

I want to pass the title and name to PHP without refreshing the page (because then the items will reset). 我想在不刷新页面的情况下将标题和名称传递给PHP(因为项目将重置)。 I get a "success!" 我得到“成功!” but it seems like it doesn't pass the data. 但似乎没有传递数据。

index.php 的index.php

    $(function() {
        $( "li img" ).draggable({ 
            snap: ".grid", 
            start: function (event, ui ) {
                item = $(this).attr('title');
        $( "li .grid" ).droppable({
            drop: function( event, ui ) {
                box = $(this).attr('title');
                    type: "POST",
                    url: 'index.php',
                    data: { box : 'box' },
                    success: function(data){


sessions.php sessions.php

   // store session data
   $_SESSION['box'] = $_POST['box'];
   //retrieve session data
   echo $_SESSION[box];

How do I pass the title and name to PHP without refreshing the page? 如何在不刷新页面的情况下将标题和名称传递给PHP?

Try to change the url and your data from this: 尝试从中更改url和您的data

url: 'index.php',
data: { box : 'box' }

to this: 对此:

url: 'sessions.php',
data: { box : box }

Given that you're doing this... 鉴于您正在这样做...

box = $(this).attr('title');

I assume you want to pass that variable to the server. 我假设您想将该变量传递给服务器。 However, you're just passing the literal string "box" , not the variable box . 但是,您只是传递文字字符串"box" ,而不是变量box

In your code, you've written this... 在您的代码中,您已经编写了此代码...

data: { box : 'box' },

which needs to be this, to pass the value in box : 需要这样,以传递box的值:

data: { box : box },

As an aside, you've created a global variable box . 顺便说一句,您已经创建了一个全局变量box Instead of box = $(this).attr('title'); 而不是box = $(this).attr('title'); , you should use var box = $(this).attr('title'); ,则应使用var box = $(this).attr('title'); to create a variable local to the function. 在函数本地创建一个变量。

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