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[英]Javascript replace one or another

I'm trying to make the replace function work when having one match or another. 我正在尝试在进行一场比赛或另一场比赛时使用replace功能。 It's very simple as a logic so I'd like to have a very simple implementation. 作为逻辑,它非常简单,所以我想有一个非常简单的实现。

I have tried: 我努力了:

var my_url = document.URL;
var tmpl = "?tmpl=component" || "&tmpl=component"; //This is the tricky part
location.href = my_url.replace(tmpl,"");

...but it doesn't seem to work. ...但是似乎无效。 Any ideas please? 有什么想法吗?

This is not how JavaScript works, logical OR is useless here. 这不是JavaScript的工作方式, 逻辑OR在这里没有用。 One possible way is using regex : 一种可能的方法是使用regex

location.href = my_url.replace(/[?&]tmpl=component/, "");

Here the replace method will replace any match of tmpl=component starting with either ? 在这里, replace方法将替换任何以?开头的tmpl=component匹配项? or & . &

You could do two replacements: 您可以做两个替换:

location.href = my_url.replace("?tmpl=component", "").replace("&tmpl=component", "");

or you could use a regular expression: (recommended) 或者您可以使用正则表达式:(推荐)

location.href = my_url.replace(/[?&]tmpl=component/, "");

[?&] will match either a '?' [?&]将匹配一个'?' or '&' character. 或“&”字符。

You're setting tmpl to be the value of the expression "?tmpl=component" || "&tmpl=component"; 您将tmpl设置为表达式"?tmpl=component" || "&tmpl=component"; "?tmpl=component" || "&tmpl=component"; , which will always evaluate to "?tmpl=component" , since it is the first truthy value in your or statement. ,该值将始终为"?tmpl=component" ,因为它是or语句中的第一个真实值。

You can do this with regex in a number of ways: 您可以通过多种方式使用正则表达式进行此操作:

my_url.replace(/?tmpl=component|&tmpl=component/, "");
my_url.replace(/[?&]tmpl=component/, "");


 var tmpl = (my_url.indexOf("?tmpl=component") > -1)? "?tmpl=component" : "&tmpl=component"; 

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