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将RSA pem密钥字符串转换为der字节[]

[英]Convert RSA pem key String to der byte[]

I'm trying to convert an RSA pem key (contained in a String) to a byte[], like this method does when given a .pem file FileInputStream: 我正在尝试将RSA pem密钥(包含在字符串中)转换为byte [],就像在给定.pem文件FileInputStream时,此方法一样:

http://jets3t.s3.amazonaws.com/api/org/jets3t/service/security/EncryptionUtil.html#convertRsaPemToDer(java.io.InputStream) http://jets3t.s3.amazonaws.com/api/org/jets3t/service/security/EncryptionUtil.html#convertRsaPemToDer(java.io.InputStream)

I've tried this: 我已经试过了:

String pemKey = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\r\n"
         + "{base64 encoded key part omitted}\r\n"
         + "{base64 encoded key part omitted}\r\n"
         + "{base64 encoded key part omitted}\r\n"
         + "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----";
String base64 = pemKey
        .replaceAll("\\s", "")
        .replace("-----BEGINRSAPRIVATEKEY-----", "")
        .replace("-----ENDRSAPRIVATEKEY-----", "");

return Base64.decode(base64.getBytes());

I expect the result to be equivalent to what would be returned by org.jets3t.service.security.EncryptionUtil.convertRsaPemToDer() but it does not seem to be working when generating a CloudFront streaming URL. 我希望结果与org.jets3t.service.security.EncryptionUtil.convertRsaPemToDer()返回的结果相同,但在生成CloudFront流URL时似乎无法正常工作。

Any idea what I'm doing wrong? 知道我在做什么错吗?

Just wrap the string in a ByteArrayInputStream and you can use the method you linked: 只需将字符串包装在ByteArrayInputStream ,就可以使用链接的方法:

InputStream pemStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(pemKey.getBytes());
byte[] derKey = EncryptionUtil.convertRsaPemToDer(pemStream);

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