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[英]unable to break out of jquery each loop

I have a nested loop written in jquery and return false inside my child loop keeps appending the same text to the parent row. 我有一个用jquery编写的嵌套循环,并且在我的子循环内部返回false时,总是将相同的文本追加到父行中。 My code, 我的代码

$('#listingProducts ul.msRows li.msFullfillment').each(function(index) {                    
    if(typeof $('#hfOrd'+index).val() != 'undefined'){
        var $this = $(this);
        var orderId = $('#hfOrd'+index).val();                      
        // repainting logic
        $('#ajaxProducts ul.displayPoints li').each(function(index){
            var $child = $(this);
            if(typeof $('#hfAjaxOrderId'+index).val() != 'undefined'){
                var ajaxOrderId = $('#hfAjaxOrderId'+index).val();
                //alert(orderId+' '+ ' '+ajaxOrderId);
                if(ajaxOrderId === orderId){
                    // replace the div here..
                    var anchorText = $child.find("#pointsLineAjax .redeem").text();     
                    $this.find("#pointsLine .redeem").text(anchorText);
                    return false;


Return false inside child loop doesnt go back to the parent. 在子循环中返回false不会返回父项。 That doesnt seem to write it to the corresponding row. 那似乎没有将其写入相应的行。 What am i missing here.. 我在这里想念什么..

Returning false only breaks out of the inner loop in a jQuery loop, there is a good explanation for the reason in this answer . 返回false只打破了jQuery循环的内部循环,对此答案有一个很好的解释。

The problem here is that while you can return false from within the .each callback, the .each function itself returns the jQuery object. 这里的问题是,尽管您可以从.each回调中返回false,但.each函数本身将返回jQuery对象。 So you have to return a false at both levels to stop the iteration of the loop. 因此,您必须在两个级别上都返回一个false才能停止循环的迭代。 Also since there is not way to know if the inner .each found a match or not, we will have to use a shared variable using a closure that gets updated. 同样,由于没有办法知道内部.each是否找到匹配项,因此我们将不得不使用一个共享变量,该共享变量使用一个已更新的闭包。

Try the following: 请尝试以下操作:

$('#listingProducts ul.msRows li.msFullfillment').each(function(index) {                    
    var continueLoop = true;
        var $this = $(this);
        var orderId = $('#hfOrd'+index).val();                      
        // repainting logic
        $('#ajaxProducts ul.displayPoints li').each(function(index){
            var $child = $(this);
                var ajaxOrderId = $('#hfAjaxOrderId'+index).val();
                //alert(orderId+' '+ ' '+ajaxOrderId);
                if(ajaxOrderId === orderId){
                    // replace the div here..
                    var anchorText = $child.find("#pointsLineAjax .redeem").text();     
                    $this.find("#pointsLine .redeem").text(anchorText);
                    continueLoop = false;
                    return false;
    return continueLoop;

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