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[英]Report Viewer .rdlc How to pass a parameter?

So apparently I been doing a trial balance report in C# windows form - report viewer that shows a YEARLY report of "ACCOUNTS" and its total payable in each account. 因此,显然我一直在使用C#Windows窗体-报表查看器来显示试算表报表,该报表显示了“帐户”的年度报告及其在每个帐户中的应付总额。

The report has a supposed yearly compounding value depending from the user choice - ex. 该报告的假定年度复利价值取决于用户的选择- 例如。 Jan. 1 2013-to-Feb. 1 2014 Jan. 1 2013-to-Feb. 1 2014 , there will be a compounding value from Jan-Dec 2013, "TOTAL=4,500,000" and Jan-Feb 2014, "TOTAL=45,000 ". Jan. 1 2013-to-Feb. 1 2014 ,从Jan-Dec 2013, "TOTAL=4,500,000" and Jan-Feb 2014, "TOTAL=45,000的复利值为Jan-Dec 2013, "TOTAL=4,500,000" and Jan-Feb 2014, "TOTAL=45,000Jan. 1 2013-to-Feb. 1 2014的复利值为Jan-Dec 2013, "TOTAL=4,500,000" and Jan-Feb 2014, "TOTAL=45,000 ”。

What I have in the report is a continues compounding value, 我在报告中所拥有的是持续的复合价值,

Jan-Dec 2013, "TOTAL=4,500,000" and Jan-Feb 2014, "TOTAL=4,545,000". 2013年1月至12月,“ TOTAL = 4,500,000”和2014年1月2月2日,“ TOTAL = 4,545,000”。

My code in the cell is =RunningValue(Fields!DEBIT.Value,Sum,"summaryDataSet"). 我在单元格中的代码是=RunningValue(Fields!DEBIT.Value,Sum,"summaryDataSet").

I hope the reader would understand what I'm trying to say here and help me. 我希望读者能理解我在这里要说的话并为我提供帮助。 Thanks. 谢谢。

Though I don't know what kept you from using Google to find an answer to the question (by that I mean the question's header only!), you can use ReportParameter to pass parameters to your report: 尽管我不知道是什么原因使您无法使用Google查找问题的答案(因为这仅是问题的标题!),但是您可以使用ReportParameter将参数传递给报告:

ReportParameter[] parameters = new ReportParameter[x+1];
parameters[0] = new ReportParameter("name1", value1);
parameters[x] = new ReportParameter("namex", valuex);

I do not understand what you're trying to tell us by the question text, it does not seem to fit the question at all... 我不明白您要通过问题文字告诉我们什么,这似乎根本不适合这个问题...

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