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/#!/ Nodejs MEAN Stack(Mean.io)中的url段干净安装

[英]/#!/ url segment in Nodejs MEAN Stack (Mean.io) clean install

I've cloned, installed a fresh version of the MEAN stack from https://github.com/linnovate/mean , and then ran with grunt. 我已经克隆了,从https://github.com/linnovate/mean安装了MEAN堆栈的新版本,然后发出咕gr的声音。

I've noticed that my root page is appending a /#!/ url segment to the end, and all my pages look something like: 我注意到我的根页面在末尾附加了一个/#!/ url段,并且我的所有页面看起来都像这样:


Any hints on how to get rid of that /#!/ url segment? 关于如何摆脱/#!/网址段的任何提示? I can't tell if this is a Node/Angular/Express setting. 我不知道这是一个Node / Angular / Express设置。

This is in Angular.js and it is commented in the file on github as to why it is there 这在Angular.js中,并在github上的文件中对其存在的原因进行了注释

https://github.com/linnovate/mean/blob/master/public/js/init.js https://github.com/linnovate/mean/blob/master/public/js/init.js

'use strict';
 angular.element(document).ready(function() {    
//Fixing facebook bug with redirect   
   if (window.location.hash === '#_=_') window.location.hash = '#!';    //Then init the app        angular.bootstrap(document, ['mean']);

Although I do not claim to understand why not having it would cause an issue and I'm not sure why it presents itself on every page? 尽管我不主张理解为什么不使用它会导致问题,而且我不确定为什么它出现在每一页上?

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