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[英]Change color of element onMouseOver using javascript

I'm writing javascript which will change the color of an element when the mouse hovers over it. 我正在编写javascript,当鼠标悬停在元素上时,它将更改元素的颜色。 I know perfectly how to do this using jQuery, but this time around I have to do it using either pure JS or Prototype. 我完全知道如何使用jQuery做到这一点,但是这次我必须使用纯JS或Prototype做到这一点。

Why doesn't this work: 为什么这样不起作用:

<div id="boundary1"></div>

document.getElementById("boundary1").onmouseover(function() {

firebug returns: 萤火虫返回:

TypeError: document.getElementById(...).onmouseover is not a function

Your syntax is wrong, you may be thinking a little too 'jQuery', try this: 您的语法有误,您可能也想过'jQuery',请尝试以下操作:

var boundary = document.getElementById('boundary');
var mouseOverFunction = function () {
    // this.style.color = '#000'; // your colour change
boundary.onmouseover = mouseOverFunction;

I've separated the logic to make the development and logic clearer, it makes your functions reusable too. 我分离了逻辑以使开发和逻辑更加清晰,这也使您的功能可重复使用。

The Prototype way to do this would be this: 原型的方法是这样的:

$('elementId').observe('mouseenter', function(evt){
    this.setStyle('background-color: yellow');
}).observe('mouseleave', function(evt){
    this.setStyle('background-color: inherit');

But as others have already pointed out, the real way to do this is with CSS. 但是正如其他人已经指出的那样,实现此目标的真正方法是使用CSS。 The only reason I could imagine needing to do it in JS is if you have to support IE <= 8, which doesn't like to do the :hover pseudo-class on anything except the A tag. 我可以想象需要在JS中执行此操作的唯一原因是,如果您必须支持IE <= 8,它不喜欢对除A标签之外的任何内容执行:hover伪类。

Try: 尝试:

document.getElementById("boundary1").onmouseover = function() { 

More Info. 更多信息。

Try this code 试试这个代码

<td onMouseOver="this.bgColor='#00CC00'" onMouseOut="this.bgColor='#009900'" bgColor=#009900>
<A HREF="#">Click Here</A></TD>

You can do it using CSS 您可以使用CSS来完成


Now for the text you want to change color 现在为您要更改颜色的文本

<span class ="changecolour">Color changes when mouse comes here.</span>

Reference : http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/sel_hover.asp 参考: http : //www.w3schools.com/cssref/sel_hover.asp

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